Cliffrose - Purshia mexicana - Rose Family - DesertUSA
A wide assortment of bees and flies are attracted to these sweet smells and the nectar the flowers produce. Range. Cliffrose are most often found between 3,500 and 8,000 feet in the Rockies, the Southwest, the Great Basin regions and into Mexico. Habitat. Cliffrose grow in pinyon-juniper woodlands and shrublands, often in dry rocky soils ...
Purshia Stansburiana, Cliff Rose - American Southwest
Flowers are about one inch in diameter, have five rounded white petals, five smaller, pointed green sepals and a bushy cluster of numerous yellow stamens topped by yellow anthers; they grow profusely along the upper ends of the woody branches, which are …
Purshia stansburyana - Wikipedia
Purshia stansburyana is a species of flowering plant in the rose family known by the common name Stansbury's cliffrose. It is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, where it grows in woodlands, desert, and plateau habitat. It often grows anchored on cliffs and prefers rocky, granular soils, especially limestone. [2]
Cliffrose (Cliff-rose; Quininebush) - Arches National Park (U.S ...
Flowers: 5 white to cream petals; 5 sepals; showy and fragrant; bisexual, rarely unisexual; stamens commonly 5; pistils commonly 5 (can be 4 to 12); radially symmetrical; cup-like base to flower; petals 0.2” to 0.36” (5 to 9 mm) long. Pollinators: other genera in …
Cliffrose - unps.org
The bark is reddish and shredding, somewhat like a eucalyptus, and the foliage has an intriguing resinous odor. The showy flowers are borne in profusion, filling the air with a sweet, clovelike fragrance. The fruits have long, plumose styles, which …
Purshia stansburiana, Cliffrose - Southwest Desert Flora
Flower Color: White, creamy-white; showy flowers with both sepals and petals; multiple stamens; flowers typically bisexual; fragrant; fruit a feathery plumose achene with a persistent style. Flowering Season: April to September; April to May (Oct) in California and April to July in Texas.
Cliffrose - U.S. National Park Service
2021年7月25日 · Cliffrose (Purshia stansburiana) is a very fragrant member of the Rosaceae (Rose Family). The shrubs can be quite large with dark green, resinous leaves. The white dots on the leaves are glands with a sharp odor. The masses of five-petaled flowers, from white to yellow, become feathery seeds. To see cliffroses in the park visit Tawa Point.
Stansbury's Cliffrose (Purshia stansburiana) - Garden.org
Plant database entry for Stansbury's Cliffrose (Purshia stansburiana) with 16 images and 53 data details.
Cliffrose - Colorado National Monument (U.S. National Park Service)
2015年2月24日 · White flowers appear in the spring and summer. This species is evergreen. Range: occurs throughout the Rocky Mountain Region from Utah to Colorado and south to New Mexico and Arizona. It grows throughout Colorado National Monument, but especially at …
Cliffrose (Purshia stansburyana) — Spadefoot Nursery, Inc.
Sometimes also called “quininebush”, cliffrose is a shrub of dry hillsides and roadsides at middle elevations in Arizona—it gets over 10’ tall with age. Large stands may burst into flower all at one time.