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CinemaScope - Wikipedia
CinemaScope is an anamorphic lens series used, from 1953 to 1967, and less often later, for shooting widescreen films that, crucially, could be screened in theatres using existing equipment, albeit with a lens adapter. Its creation in 1953 by Spyros P. Skouras, the president of 20th Century Fox, marked the beginning of … 展开
French inventor Henri Chrétien developed and patented a new film process that he called Anamorphoscope in 1926. It was that process which later formed the basis of CinemaScope. … 展开
Fox officials were keen that the sound of their new widescreen film format should be as impressive as the picture, and that meant it should include true stereophonic sound.
Previously, stereo sound in the commercial cinema had … 展开CinemaScope 55 was a large-format version of CinemaScope introduced by Twentieth Century Fox in 1955, which used a film width of 55.625 mm.
Fox had introduced the original 35 mm version of CinemaScope in 1953 and it had proved to be … 展开CinemaScope was developed to use a separate film for sound (see Audio below), thus enabling the full silent 1.33:1 aperture to be available for the picture, with a 2:1 anamorphic squeeze applied that would allow an aspect ratio of 2.66:1. When, however, developers … 展开
Although CinemaScope was capable of producing a 2.66:1 image, the addition of magnetic sound tracks for multi-channel sound reduced this to 2.55:1.
The fact that the image … 展开Lens manufacturer Panavision was initially founded in late 1953 as a manufacturer of anamorphic lens adapters for movie projectors screening CinemaScope films, capitalizing on the … 展开
CC-BY-SA 许可证中的维基百科文本 电影 | 什么是CinemaScope? - 知乎专栏
原文: https://www. studiobinder.com/blog/w hat-is-cinemascope/ 翻译整理:汇点国际电影工作室. CinemaScope ,中文译为“ 星涅马斯科普宽银幕技术 ”。它在拍摄过程中压缩图像,在投射过程中解压缩图像。
What is CinemaScope? Definition and Examples for …
What is CinemaScope? Cinemascope is an anamorphic process that compresses an image during filming and uncompresses it when projected.
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宽银幕电影镜头 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
寬螢幕電影鏡頭(英語: CinemaScope )是一種變形鏡頭系列,從1953年到1967年(以後很少)用於拍攝寬屏電影,至關重要的是,即使使用鏡頭適配器,也可以使用現有設備在影院中放 …
CinemaScope - What Is It? History, Development & Examples
CinemaScope was a widescreen film process that became a major innovation in the early 1950s, revolutionizing the visuals of cinema. Introduced by 20th Century Fox in 1953, it allowed for a …
宽银幕电影 - 百度百科
这就是CinemaScope宽银幕技术,这种能产生特殊效果的镜头,为宽银幕电影的诞生奠定了技术基础。 1952年,美国的20世纪 福克斯 公司首先意识到了这种镜头的重要性,于是购买了该项专利,并将这一技术应用于电影拍摄中。
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CinemaScope | Wide-Screen, Widescreen, Anamorphic | Britannica
CinemaScope, filmmaking process in which a motion picture is projected on a screen, with the width of the image two and a half times its height. The French physicist Henri Chrétien …
CinemaScope - Audiovisual Identity Database
1 天前 · CinemaScope is an anamorphic lens series for widescreen films, created by 20th Century-Fox in 1953. Learn about its history, variants, logo, and usage on films and trailers.
CinemaScope — What It Is;… - The American Society of …
2020年3月22日 · CinemaScope is a simplified improvement of an anamorphoscope lens (which he called a Hypergonar) developed by Frenchman Henri Chrétien with whom 20th Century-Fox recently closed arrangements for …
cinemascope作为最早的变形宽银幕拍摄方案,镜头有非常多的缺陷,比起1.33:1拍摄使用的球面镜头,边缘畸变明显,焦外的眩晕感很强,演员看上去比之前胖……直接导致导演和摄影在创作手法上必须摒弃之前很多的套路,比如 …