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Cernunnos: Celtic Horned God of Wild Places - Altar …
2024年1月12日 · Cernunnos is also considered the proto deity for the Horned God, who is the consort of the Great Mother Goddess in modern Wicca. The Celtic horned god is often considered the god of the witches. Cernunnos is the …
Cernunnos - Wild God of the Forest - Learn Religions
- In Margaret Murray's 1931 book, God of the Witches, she posits that Herne the Hunter is a manifestation of Cernunnos. Because he is found only in Berkshire, and not in the rest of the Windsor Forest area, Herne is considered a "localized" god and could indeed be the Berkshire interpretation of Cernunnos. During the Elizabethan age, Cernunnos appear...
- 发布日期: 2008年12月13日
- 预计阅读时间:4 分钟
威卡教 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
古埃及威卡教( Kemetic Wicca ):以古埃及神话为基础的威卡教; 中世纪威卡教( Stregheria ):以意大利、中世纪为基础的宗教,实际上是一种与威卡教非 …
- 预计阅读时间:11 分钟
西方神秘学科普——走进威卡 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
60年代,由亚历山大夫妇成立Alexandrian Wicca亚历山大派威卡进入大众视线。 其实这个分支在很大程度上是基于加德纳派系而衍生出来的——其以希腊神话中的大地女神为信仰,加入了除加德纳派仪式魔法之外的卡巴拉元素作为其流派特 …
Horned God - Wikipedia
In traditional Wicca (British Traditional Wicca), he is generally regarded as a dualistic god of twofold aspects: bright and dark, night and day, summer and winter, the Oak King and the Holly King. In this dualistic view, his two horns …
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Horned God - Sacred Wicca
He is called the God of the Wicca, Cernunnos, Pan, Herne, Dionysus and many other names. He is the ancient God of fertility: the God of the forest, flock and field and also of the hunt. He is Lord of Life and He gives life, He is also Lord …
Cernunnos - Celtic Gods - Timeless Myths
2002年4月2日 · Even though Cernunnos was a mystery and remains so, he lingers on today in the religions Wicca and Neopaganism. He is worshipped as a horned god in Wicca and a god …
Horned God: A Guide to Connection with the wild …
The Horned God is definitely one of the most popular gods in the Wiccan religion. He is connected with many principles found in nature, and has the ability to bring transformation and healing. Wiccans often refer to this deity as their patron saint.
Who Was the God Cernunnos? - Mythology Source
2021年1月18日 · Cernunnos would be one of many pagan gods whose legends were adopted and adapted into stories told about holy men in Christian culture. Cernunnos: The Mysterious God Cernunnos is the name given to a horned …