About Me | Wieland FineArt
Since 2017 workshops, individual and group exhibitions, books and films on the subject of watercolor, member of the German Watercolor Society DAG, numerous painting demonstrations throughout Europe. Until I discovered watercolor painting for myself in 2015, it was a long, creative journey on a rather winding road.
Aquarell & mehr | Wieland FineArt
Finally, a carefully selected collection of Carsten Wieland's most beautiful watercolors is available in a high-quality fine art print edition: "Acquerelli luminosi - edizione 1" My work is my purpose, my driving force. It's the reason I get up every day and do what I do.
ABOUT - Wieland Watercolor
My name is Carsten Wieland and I am from Essen, Germany. I am 52 years young and I love watercolor painting. In 2014, I came in touch with it for the second time in my life and since then, watercolor painting became the most important part of every day.
Carsten Wieland (@carstenwieland) • Instagram photos and videos
2,443 Followers, 1,735 Following, 1,415 Posts - Carsten Wieland (@carstenwieland) on Instagram: "I love watercolor painting. In 2014 I came in touch with it the second time and it became a passion since then."
Carsten Wieland Watercolors - YouTube
After only two and a half years I have been invited to paint a demonstration for the public of one of the largest watercolor festivals in Fabriano, Italy. Since then I use any opportunity to paint...
Carsten Wieland: ein kreativer Freigeist - Stay Forever
2024年9月16日 · Carsten Wieland hinterlässt ein beeindruckendes künstlerisches Vermächtnis zwischen Trash und Hochkultur. Er wird als kreativer Freigeist in Erinnerung bleiben, der nie davor zurückschreckte, neue Wege zu gehen und verschiedene Kunstformen miteinander zu …
Carsten Wieland — International Art Caravan
After a good 20 years as a freelancer in the fields of illustration, comics and computer game design, Carsten Wieland decided in 2011 to turn his back on commercial graphics and from now on to deal with artistic design purely out of passion.
Portfolio - Wieland FineArt
Finally, a carefully selected collection of Carsten Wieland's most beautiful watercolors is available in a high-quality postcard edition: "Acquerelli luminosi - edizione 1" - 10 exquisite original watercolors by the German artist, each elaborately digitally remastered for bright colors in high resolution, for exclusive artist postcard collection.
Carsten Wieland verstorben - GamesWirtschaft.de
2024年9月16日 · Später baute er 3D-Grafiken und Illustrationen für Werbung und Zeitschriften, ehe er zur Fotografie und später in die Malerei wechselte. Ab 2016 hat sich Wieland auf die Aquarellmalerei spezialisiert – sein jahrzehntelanges Wissen gab er in einer Vielzahl von Büchern, in YouTube-Videos und Workshops weiter.
Visual artist Carsten Wieland (Wet: The Sexy Empire) has passed …
German graphic artist Carsten Wieland, known for his work on games like "Wet: The Sexy Empire" and "Bazooka Sue", has died at the age of 59. In the 1990s, Wieland shaped the German game scene with his unique graphic style and was involved in over 50 games.