Iron and manganese incorporation into calcite: Effects of growth ...
1990年2月20日 · Iron and manganese incorporation into calcite: Effects of growth kinetics, temperature and solution chemistry. Chem. Geol., 81: 311-336. The effects of growth kinetics, …
- 作者: Edward L. Dromgoole, Lynn M. Walter
- Publish Year: 1990
仅显示来自 的搜索结果Induced crystallization for the simultaneous removal of hardness …
This study has investigated the effectiveness of the simultaneous removal of hardness-iron-manganese and the crystallization kinetics of calcium ca…
Bio-Induced Calcite, Iron, and Manganese Precipitation for …
2012年4月26日 · In addition to work with indigenous bacteria that induce calcite precipitation, we have conducted experiments using the bacteria Leptothrix discophora which induces iron …
- 作者: T. J. Weaver, M. Burbank, A. Lewis, R. Lewis, R. Crawford, B. Williams
- Publish Year: 2011
Induced crystallization for the simultaneous removal of hardness …
2024年3月15日 · This study has investigated the effectiveness of the simultaneous removal of hardness-iron-manganese and the crystallization kinetics of calcium carbonate during co …
Iron and manganese incorporation into calcite: Effects of growth ...
1990年2月20日 · The effects of growth kinetics, temperature and solution composition on Mn 2+ and Fe 2+ incorporation into calcite were investigated. Mn- or Fe-bearing overgrowths on …
- 作者: Edward L. Dromgoole, Lynn M. Walter
- Publish Year: 1990
Iron and manganese incorporation into calcite: Effects of growth ...
1990年2月20日 · The precipitation of calcium carbonate, CaCO3 and the growth of calcite has been studied in aqueous solutions containing ferrous iron (Fe2+). Two different types of bulk …
(PDF) Bio-Induced Calcite, Iron, and Manganese …
2011年3月11日 · In addition to work with indigenous bacteria that induce calcite precipitation, we have conducted experiments using the bacteria Leptothrix discophora which induces iron and/or manganese...
Manganese mineralization in the northern Middle Atlas (Aderj …
2 天之前 · A paragenetic sequence of manganese mineralization in the Aderj region has been proposed based on a structure-mining study of manganese and iron oxide ore bodies, the …
(PDF) Bio-induced Calcite, Iron, and Manganese Precipitation for ...
The following sections provide a brief review of methods and results from experiments using indigenous bacteria to induce calcite precipitation and experiments using Leptothrix …
increased iron and manganese mineral precipitation. Since Leptothrix discophora is known to induce iron precipitation during construction dewatering, we anticipate
2021年2月13日 · eliminate iron (II) and manganese (II) from groundwater by a very simple technique based on the addition of calcite, which is a low-cost mineral that is abundant in most …
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