  1. Copilot 答案

    BUMBLEFOOT in Backyard Chickens: Causes, …

    • Bumblefoot results when the skin of the foot is compromised in some way, allowing bacteria to invade the foot, causing infection. Broken skin allows bacteria (e.g.: staphylococcus) to get inside the foot, w… 展开


    Whatever the cause, failure to treat bumblefoot can result in the spread of the infection to the bones and tendons, debilitating pain and death. 展开

    The Chicken Chick

    Preventative measures should be taken to avoid bumblefoot as treatment is painful and time-consuming and eradicating it, difficult. Regular flock foot inspections are highly recomme… 展开

    The Chicken Chick

    Chickens require a complete, balanced diet to avoid vitamin deficiencies and obesity that put them at risk of contracting bumblefoot. Laying hens need a complete layer ration with … 展开

    The Chicken Chick
  1. 包含 Bumblefoot A Kernel 的结果。
    是否只需要 Bumble Foot Kernel 的结果?
  2. 包含 Bumblefoot A Kernel 的结果。
    是否只需要 Bumble Foot Kernel 的结果?