Budapest University of Technology and Economics - BME
BME has moved forward six places compared to last year in the Emerging Europe and Central Asia Ranking, making to the top 30 universities this year. BME IS THE FIRST TO LAUNCH AEROSPACE AND CONSTRUCTION IT ENGINEERING MSC PROGRAMMES IN HUNGARY.
Application and admission | BME central site
2024年11月15日 · If you want to study at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) you have to fill our online application form. (PhD courses have different application period, for more information, please contact your Faculty's responsible)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Wikipedia
The Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungarian: Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem or in short Műegyetem), official abbreviation BME, is a public research university located in Budapest, Hungary.
Main page | BME central site
BME’s vast campus functions as its own district in the heart of Budapest. Let us help you find your way around the buildings! You can join student organizations and become a member of volunteer groups. There is almost no activity you won't come across as a BME student.
15 Extraordinary Facts About Budapest University Of Technology …
2023年9月26日 · Budapest University of Technology and Economics is the oldest institute of technology in Hungary. Established in 1782, the university has a rich history of providing high-quality education in the fields of engineering, natural sciences, and economics.
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Our institution, which was founded in 1782 under the name of Institutum Geometrico-Hydrotechnicum, has been the top higher education institution of Hungary and it also has well-established international reputation.
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Based in the Hungarian capital, Budapest University of Technology and Economics offers courses within the fields of technology, economics, business management and the sciences. Its departments feature four Nobel Prize winners and dozens of world renowned scientists.
Admission - BME Xplore
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) brings together students and faculty in an international atmosphere that fosters groundbreaking research and innovation. At BME, we offer over 40 English-language Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral programs in engineering, natural sciences, economics, and management.
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) is a leading institution in technical and economical higher education in Hungary, the degrees of which are recognized and acknowledged all over the world. BME founded in 1782, is one of the largest higher educational institutions in engineering. BME is more than a university. BME is a community.
Facts and Figures on the Budapest University of Technology and ...
The Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) is a prestigious higher education institution in Hungary. Its main mission is to educate professionals for the industry in the disciplines of technology, informatics, natural sciences, economics, business and management.