Is there actual meaning behind this logo? : r/BONELAB - Reddit
There are a lot of logos like that, they showed up everywhere in Boneworks. They are the field codes used in the SCP universe. Some people had a theory that it was |X| communicating with us, since the codes are something that we would understand, but the people in the SLZ universe would not. https://www.reddit.com/r/boneworks/s/KZfwGSkipi.
Lore question - Field codes and |X| : r/BONELAB - Reddit
2022年10月14日 · Throughout Boneworks and Duck Season, scattered in bunch of the levels in various locations (e.g. Streets below the stairs with the tram going through the roof, and Runoff by the zombies), there are literal MTF field codes from the SCP series plastered in various locations.
OS: Windows 10. Processor: Intel i5 7600 3.5ghz+ Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: GTX 1070 / 1660TI (6GB VRAM) DirectX: Version 11 Network: Broadband Internet connection(for mod download only) Storage: 20 GB available space (PC) Storage: 2.6 GB available space (Meta)
r/BONELAB on Reddit: What are the progress things in the menu, …
2022年10月29日 · Symbol is somehow related to the unfinished easter eggs in the game. I've heard that there are keypads to doors placed outside of some maps, and I've seen footage of one of the keycard rooms being made visible with the use of mods. We'll likely get some updates adding in some more secret nonsense sometime probably soon-ish.
Category:Avatars (BONELAB) | BONEWORKS Wiki | Fandom
Avatars are the various characters playable in BONELAB. They have a variance of stats which are determined by the base mesh, which decide everything from strength, speed, and size.
BONELAB Collectible Guide - Steam Community
2022年10月6日 · This is BONELAB Collectible Guide with almost all collectibles. Some collectibles are missing, so when they'll be found, i'll add them here. [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/10C90BA
GitHub - neoaikon2/BoneLabLab: Tutorials, Examples, References, …
Welcome to the BoneLab Lab, this repository is a collection of learning materials for making mods for the aforementioned game, BoneLab. Where it is possible, example prefabs have been constructed to match as closely as possible to an official StresslevelZero asset; Reference documentation tries to match this philosophy as well.
Monochats - BONEWORKS Wiki | Fandom
Monochat Clipboards are lore objects found in MythOS, in both BONEWORKS and BONELAB. They seem to function as virtual versions of text messages or notes left by Monogon employees. While most clipboards are reminders or memos, a few Monochat clipboards are two-sided conversations transcribed into...
What could these elements from the logos mean? i know its ... - Reddit
2022年8月5日 · Because it’s has something to do with the symbols the Tc with I would guess mean tactical or Cb or climbing
Bonelab - Wikipedia
Bonelab is a 2022 video game developed and published by American studio Stress Level Zero. It is a sequel to the 2019 game Boneworks . The player controls an outcast that escapes death and explores experimental worlds in a research lab in MythOS.