Electrochemical Instruments Manufacturer / BioLogic
Trusted for over 40 years by academic and industrial organizations worldwide, BioLogic measurement instruments, including potentiostats, battery cyclers, impedance analyzers, …
What is Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)? - BioLogic
2025年1月14日 · A leader in Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) technologies, BioLogic strives to place EIS within every researcher's reach, by making it available on all of …
Overview: Spectrometer solutions - BioLogic
Details of BioLogic's spectrometer solutions: circular dichroism, High throughput CD Microplate spectropolarimeters and pump-probe spectrometers
[CDI] Responsable qualité (H/F) - BioLogic
Entreprise française de haute technologie, BioLogic conçoit, fabrique et commercialise partout dans le monde des instruments de mesure ultraprécis, ainsi que leurs logiciels de contrôle et …
Electrochemistry Software - BioLogic
BioLogic EC-Lab ® Software for potentiostats. EC-Lab ®: Comprehensive from reliable tests to efficient analysis
New BCS-900 Battery Cycler series (recommended) - BioLogic
Building on BioLogic’s established reputation for reliable instrumentation, the BCS-900 Battery Cycler represents a revolutionary leap forward. This system merges unmatched performance …
Discover Potentiostat / Galvanostat - BioLogic
This article shows how to integrate, synchronize, and interface BioLogic potentiostats with other devices and instruments using EC-Lab.
[CDI] Manager d'équipes techniques transverses R&D (H/F)
Entreprise française de haute technologie, BioLogic conçoit, fabrique et commercialise partout dans le monde des instruments de mesure ultraprécis, ainsi que leurs logiciels de contrôle et …
Battery Cycler - BioLogic
BioLogic ® manufactures battery cyclers with a line-up made up of two complementary ranges of instruments, the high throughput BCS-900 Series battery cyclers and the R&D grade MPG …
MT-Lab® Software - BioLogic
MT-Lab ® is BioLogic’s dedicated software package for impedance analysis and temperature control, designed to provide an intuitive and comprehensive solution for researchers in …