Basketball Trophies Designed by Tiffany | Tiffany & Co. US
Learn how Tiffany & Co. proudly designs and handcrafts numerous basketball trophies, including the NBA Championship Trophy to honor true champions.
Sports Trophies Designed by Tiffany | Tiffany & Co. US
Learn about how skilled artisians at Tiffany & Co. proudly design and handcraft numerous sporting trophies to celebrate and honor true athletes and champions.
Tiffany & Co. 設計的籃球獎盃
Tiffany & Co. 於 1977 年第一次為美國職業籃球聯賽 (NBA) 設計並製作獎盃——NBA 總冠軍獎盃。 今時今日,我們滿懷自豪製作出九座備受推崇的 NBA 獎盃和兩座美國女子職業籃球聯賽 (WNBA) 獎盃。
Basketball Trophies Designed by Tiffany
Introduced in 2023, Tiffany & Co. proudly designs and handcrafts the NBA In-Season Tournament Championship Trophy and MVP Trophy. Presented annually to the NBA In-Season tournament winners and the most valuable player, the trophies are crafted from sterling silver with 24k vermeil and black ceramic accents.
蒂芙尼设计的篮球奖杯 | Tiffany & Co.
如今,蒂芙尼以此为荣,共制作了九座备受赞誉的 NBA 奖杯和两座女子全美篮球协会 (WNBA) 奖杯,在 2022 年与艺术家 Victor Solomon 合作,令整套 NBA 奖杯焕然一新。 焕然一新的 NBA 拉里·奥布莱恩奖杯高 64.8 厘米,重 13.2 千克,呈现一颗比赛用球大小的篮球造型。 这座 NBA 拉里·奥布莱恩奖杯经过重新设计,双层圆柱底座上可镌刻未来 25 年,及所有往届获胜球队的名字,见证胜利时刻。 2022 年,蒂芙尼与 NBA 全新推出两座奖杯:拉里·伯德东部联盟最有价值球员 …
Tiffany & Co. Trophies
Today, Tiffany & Co. makes a total of seven revered NBA trophies and one Women’s National Basketball Association Trophy, having updated the entire NBA trophy suite in May 2022 in a creative partnership with artist Victor Solomon.
MSCHF & Tiffany & Co.
Tiffany makes trophies? Yes! In fact, Tiffany makes probably every notable US sports trophy you can name for major championships including football, basketball, baseball and more.
Tiffany & Co. - Since 1997, Tiffany & Co. has proudly... - Facebook
Since 1997, Tiffany & Co. has proudly designed and handcrafted the sterling silver Women’s National Basketball Association Trophy. Reimagined in 2023 to be of equal size to the NBA Finals Trophy, the new award stands at 25 inches tall with the ball at the top featuring precise etching details that mimic the seams of a basketball.
蒂芙尼致力于设计赛事奖杯 | Tiffany & Co.
蒂芙尼与 FIFA 携手打造的最新奖杯象征着蒂芙尼对卓越运动的承诺及其 160 年来为经典体育赛事制作奖杯的悠久传统。 《Crafting Victory》 由 LeBron James 作序,按时间顺序记录了蒂芙尼与体育界悠久的合作历史。 本书以 200 多页的篇幅详细讲述了蒂芙尼匠心打造的一系列颇具标志性的奖杯以及其背后的传奇故事,值得收藏。 数十年的修炼。 对精湛工艺的不懈追求。 对精益求精的执着。 ©2024 T&CO. 所提及的商标与注册商标均为其各自所有者的财产。 蒂芙尼致力于设计 …
Basketball-Trophäen entworfen von Tiffany | Tiffany & Co.
Im Jahr 2022 präsentierten Tiffany & Co. und die NBA zwei neue Trophäen: die Larry Bird Eastern Conference MVP Trophy und die Earvin „Magic“ Johnson Western Conference MVP Trophy. Außerdem wurden die bisherigen Conference Championship Trophies in Bob Cousy Trophy (Ost) und Oscar Robertson Trophy (West) umbenannt.
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