Awesome desktop environment? / Applications & Desktop …
2010年11月12日 · Re: Awesome desktop environment? gksu is just a front-end for su or sudo, which are typically required for simple shutdown without Policykit. visudo will let you change that behavior easily enough (I don't like messing around with polkit settings unless I really need to).
Openbox vs. Awesome / Applications & Desktop ... - Arch Linux …
2010年1月31日 · You can have the wm dynamically place them according to it's own formula, or define your own grids upon which it will place them. Awesome is the dynamic kind. There are around 10 different layout types for awesome, of which I use only 3. You can still resize windows on the fly with awesome though, so it's not as static as it seems.
awesome desktop environment & terminator terminal-emulator …
2012年7月30日 · Re: awesome desktop environment & terminator terminal-emulator problem. I don't have a solution to the problem, but you might consider using termite . It's built on vte, so it should (conceivably) render fonts the same way terminator does, but it's lighter and designed specifically with tiling window managers/keyboard-centric interaction in mind.
my awesome WM(desktop environment) with sound problem!
2012年8月25日 · Re: my awesome WM(desktop environment) with sound problem! Thanks for ur reply. I just solved the problem, it is caused by permission since the current user is neither in the group audio nor in the group pulse ( I do not know why there is no such problem while using display manager such as GDM and a desktop environment) .
Awesome vs. Xmonad / Applications & Desktop ... - Arch Linux …
2008年11月7日 · Awesome is feature-rich, though in my experience not as stable. In terms of configuration, awesome feels like its all over the place. The developer has re-implemented the configuration system to use the Lua scripting language. In addition to this, it's companion program, Amazing uses Ruby for configuration.
AweMenuGen - Awesome Menu Generator - Arch Linux Forums
2011年4月14日 · I tried awesome-desktop. Much better stuff! I'm using it from now on. Didn't know it existed. It works similarly as my project, but also includes icons, which makes it a lot nicer, plus it auto-generates main menu on awesome restart, while my app requires executing 'awemenugen' line. Maybe you'd like to check lxmed. It exists in AUR.
[SOLVED]awesome wm won't start - Arch Linux Forums
2008年4月20日 · Re: [SOLVED]awesome wm won't start You don't even need to do that. If you are starting the X session from the command line you can use 'xinit' instead of 'startx'.
fluxbox, awesome, xmonad or pekwm ? / Applications & Desktop ...
2008年8月8日 · Actually, once I fixed my rc.lua for Awesome version 3.2 I haven't had any errors or noticed any API tweaks. My setup is not far from the default, but for my purposes it is perfect. I highly suggest awesome with some minor tweaks e.g. setting new windows as slave unless it matches the class of a window you want to be in the master area. This ...
[SOLVED] Installing otf-font-awesome breaks fonts / Applications ...
2024年4月18日 · Installing package otf-font-awesome breaks fonts in apps. For example in firefox (or ungoogled chromium) on some sites like wikipedia.org i see blank pages with some random symbols and it replaces firefox default font and even if i choose different font in settings the problem stays. I also have Hack Nerd font insatlled and it works perfectly.
[SOLVED] Changing Desktop Environment - Arch Linux Forums
2016年9月22日 · Re: [SOLVED] Changing Desktop Environment I did a CTRL + F2 at login-screen and logged in as root, did a pacman -Runs gnome gnome-extras, and installed Xfce4 a couple of months back I possess a device, in my pocket, that is capable of accessing the entirety of information known to man.