FormIt Forum - Autodesk Community
2024年9月16日 · Formit crashes when importing one dwg file. by jose.ignacio.ca stellitti on 03-18-2024 08:04 AM Latest post on 03-20-2024 09:24 AM by josh.goldstein 2 Replies 440 Views
How to use FormIt in Revit 2025 - Autodesk Community
2024年10月27日 · Can anyone tell me that how can I use FormIt in my Revit Architecture 2025. I have installed it but it's asking for buying it although I have a subscription of Autodesk.
Formit for Mac - Autodesk Community
2024年6月6日 · Hi, I don’t know why but autodesk support of ecosystem seems weird to me, all app for windows (ok seems fair) but then drop Android support but keep improving for iOS, now I’m full in love with the iPad Pro app but as ocd as I am when I’m working im used to work on Mac systems and as easy as should be to port to Mac App Store us using Mac are left out again for …
FormIT speed - Autodesk Community
2015年6月23日 · 12 hours to attempt to incorporate data (pool elements, entourage, etc.) from other apps (SU, Max, Revit, etc.) is not a workable solution. Nor is 2+ hours to import a Formit model into Revit, only to find no materials included. I am hopeful Formit will improve rapidly and provide a more seamless interoperablity with Revit.
3d printing and exports from Formit - Autodesk Community
2015年1月24日 · Please comment on best practice, making models from Formit truly printable and accurate from an architects point of view.. Regards, Harald Solved: Hello fellow modellers I've been modelling several hours some detached houses out …
Solved: Can you heal lines? - Autodesk Community
2021年6月21日 · For superimposed lines, which don't automatically join into concurrent lines but should be, Formit may be able to heal the lines if you move and snap the problem vertex to the end of a good line. Don't know if that makes sense to you? This occurs when dealing with subdivided surfaces having many triangles converging to a common vertex.
Solved: .rvt to formit - Autodesk Community
2016年4月11日 · I am looking for a way to export .rvt file to formit. It appears the revit-formit addin only works for revit family(rfa). In the past we have done space planning in the revit file and then exported to CAD for further design in sketchup. Is there a …
Change units to metric - Autodesk Community
2019年3月20日 · Since v16.2, FormIt for Windows will open in whatever Units setting was previously set - so customers working in Metric will start in Metric as expected. Also since v16.2, you can model in mm on all FormIt platforms - you'll just need to enter a number followed by "mm" in the dimension boxes.
Solved: Can't set location in Formit - Autodesk Community
2023年12月26日 · Hey, I was using Autodesk Formit and whenever i try to set location of the project, it gives a message " This page can't load Google Maps correctly.
Solved: How to Import Formit to Revit? - Autodesk Community
2024年2月15日 · Luckily, there is a workaround, which is listed in the FormIt + Revit help docs: You can i mport the FormIt model into a Mass-category family (then load it into a Revit project) to take advantage of Levels, Mass Floors, and By Face tools and apply Revit system families to FormIt geometry. Hope this helps!