Chill guy - Wikipedia
"Chill guy", also known as "My new character", is a digital artwork and internet meme first posted by artist Phillip Banks on Twitter on October 4, 2023. The artwork consists of an anthropomorphic dog wearing a grey sweater, blue jeans, and red sneakers, giving off a "chill" expression by smirking with his hands in his pockets.
What's The 'I'm Just A Chill Guy' Meme? The Dog Who Was 'My …
2024年11月19日 · TikTok has experienced a new wave of "I'm Just a Chill Guy" memes that show the casual anthropomorphic dog who used to be called "My New Character." In a new slew of posts, the Chill Guy meme has evolved into a trendy green screen CapCut template as users add his PNG to different backgrounds, giving his catchphrase , "I'm just a chill guy," new ...
Just a Chill Guy / My New Character - Know Your Meme
2024年9月4日 · Just a Chill Guy, also known as My New Character or the Chill Guy meme, is a meme focused on a character called, "my new character" who's a light brown dog with a human body, wearing a grey sweater, blue jeans and red shoes. In the drawing, the character is smirking at the viewer with his hands in his pockets.
淡定狗 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
「淡定狗」(英語: chill guy,直譯為「冷靜哥」),或称“ 我的新角色 ”(My new character),是一張由藝術家「philb」菲利普·班克斯(Phillip Banks)創作,並在2023年10月4日發佈在其 X 個人帳戶上的 數位藝術 圖片,隨後演變成 網路迷因。 圖中有一位穿着灰色的 毛衣 、藍色的牛仔褲及紅色的運動鞋,雙手插進褲袋裡且露出悠然自得微笑 擬人化 的男性小狗,擺出一副「淡定」姿態。 作品在發佈之初並未得到太大迴響,直到接近一年後的2024年8月30日,一 …
为什么大家都在说I'm just a Chill Guy? 全得从这只小狗说起|guy|卡通狗|chill…
2024年12月13日 · 毛衣、牛仔裤配红色帆布鞋的穿着与美国人气漫画形象《亚瑟小子》(Arthur)中的主角如出一辙,而双手插口袋的姿势,则不禁让人联想到美国成人动画电视节目《微笑好友》(Smiling Friends)中的角色Charlie。
Chill Guy on Xmas ⛄ #chillguy - YouTube
2024年12月5日 · Arthur Chill guy meme, Chill guy dog, just a chill guy, hinoki wood song meme whatever u want to call it, since its trending I made few of myself because the...
这款 meme 为何被病毒式传播?关于 Chill Guy 你可能想了解的 7
2024年12月5日 · Chill Guy 这一幽默形象与当年爆红的 Doge 柴犬颇为相似,不可避免地催生出自己的 meme 币。 2024 年 10 月 5 日,加密货币网站 Pump.fun 用户 mrowl 以该形象铸造了名为「CHILLGUY」的加密货币,一经上线便大受欢迎。
What Is the Chill Guy Meme aka 'My New Character'? - YouTube
His Whole Deal Is He’s a Chill Guy That Lowkey Doesn’t Give a F*ck is a meme focused on a character called, "my new character" who's depicted as a light brown dog with a human body, wearing a...
Chill Guy | Hero Fanon Wiki | Fandom
The Chill Guy is the main protagonist of the “Chill Guy” memes, he is an anthropomorphic dog who’s whole deal is not being bothered by conflict. The Chill Guy is a small anthropomorphic brown capybara (everyone says that looks like a dog but you get me) who wears a grey sweater and greenish blue...
‘My New Character’ Meme Explained: Meet the Viral ‘Chill Guy’ Dog
2024年9月14日 · Featuring a human-like brown dog dressed in a turtleneck grey sweater, red shoes, and blue jeans, the meme has captured the attention of users with its relaxed and ‘chill’ demeanor. This anthropomorphic dog, often referred to as the ‘chill guy’, has quickly become a symbol of taking life easy.