The Original Clarice Cliff Website - History, Museum, Events, Forum
The original website for Clarice Cliff collectors, find out more about this prolific Art Deco ceramics designer - read her history and works, visit the online museum.
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The whole Clarice Cliff story was up-dated with a mass of newly discovered …
Clarice Cliff born on January 20th 1899 …
A Guide to Clarice Cliff Pottery: Prices and Motifs - Invaluable
在invaluable.com上查看更多信息Born in 1899 in the heart of Stoke-on-Trent, one of England’s hubs for ceramic production, Clarice Cliff was born into a large working-class family and began work as an apprentice decorator at a local pottery factory in her early teens. She spent several years in Stoke-on-Trent learning skills and techniques, such as gilding an…- 预计阅读时间:7 分钟
Art Deco: Clarice Cliff - V&A
One of the UK's most prolific and important ceramicists, Clarice Cliff is best known for her innovative, colour-rich designs, many of which are in our collections. The Art Deco movement had a major influence on her work and …
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Collecting Guide: Clarice Cliff ceramics - Christie's
Clarice Cliff - Pottery, Biography - Antique Marks
Clarice Cliff Art Deco: The André Aerne Collection
2017年8月21日 · Clarice Cliff Art Deco ceramics. Christies . Clarice Cliff was a prolific artist and produced many hundreds of designs during the inter-war period, but her style remains immediately recognisable. It’s not just the bright colors …
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Clarice Cliff Pottery - History, Information | Just Collectibles
2016年12月28日 · She created colorful Art Deco designs which included ceramic vases, cruets, mugs, pitchers, and sifters that she made from the 1920’s until the mid 1930’s for Newport …
Exploring Clarice Cliff Pottery and Its Unique Flair
2021年2月16日 · Although you might not know her name, you've certainly seen the influence that Clarice Cliff had on bringing a modernist flair to pottery and dinnerware between the 1930s-1960s. Many marveled at her 'rags-to-riches' …
Clarice Cliff background and Clarice Cliff Price Guide
2025年2月26日 · Pictured: CLARICE CLIFF ‘APPLIQUÉ RED TREE’, A POTTERY PLATE, DESIGNED 1930-31 handpainted, painted Appliqué and printed maker’s marks 26cm. diam. Sold for £4000 at Christies in October …
Clarice Cliff Art Pottery - Collectors Weekly
Clarice Cliff (1899-1972) is best known for the cheerfully colored, Art Deco-influenced ceramic vases, pitchers, mugs, cruets, and sifters she painted from the late 1920s until the mid-1930s …