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Are there snakes in Hawaii? – Hawaii Answers
2006年9月25日 · Technically, there are snakes in Hawaii, but for the most part it is not too out of line to claim that there aren’t. Hawaii does have one native snake species, for example: the island blind snake, or Ramphotyphlops braminus. You’d most likely mistake it for a worm, however, and they are definitely not a major threat.
Hawaii Answers – You Ask, Hawaii Answers.
You Ask, Hawaii Answers.
How do you make a Spam musubi? – Hawaii Answers
2005年4月1日 · Musubi, basically shaped balls of rice, are a Japanese staple, and are combined with a variety of flavors and ingredients. Perhaps to some people, the idea that there’s a “spam musubi recipe” at all is almost ridiculous – they’re the model of simplicity. Still, some of us aren’t exactly natural chefs, so every hint helps. Ingredients: