Antiserum - Wikipedia
In immunology, antiserum is a blood serum containing antibodies (either monoclonal or polyclonal) that is used to spread passive immunity to many diseases via blood donation (plasmapheresis).
Antiserum | Description, Production, & Uses | Britannica
antiserum, blood serum that contains specific antibodies against an antigen (foreign agent), such as an infective organism or poisonous substance. Antibodies in antiserum work by detecting and subsequently neutralizing antigens.
Antisera | definition of antisera by Medical ... - Medical Dictionary
1. a serum containing antibodies, such as one obtained from an animal that has been subjected to the action of antigen either by injection into the tissues or blood or by infection. See also immunity and immunization. Called also immune serum. 2. a …
What is the Difference Between Serum and Antiserum
2023年10月18日 · The main difference between serum and antiserum is that serum is an amber-colored, protein-rich liquid that separates when blood coagulates, whereas antiserum is a blood serum containing antibodies against specific antigens and is injected to treat or protect against specific diseases. Serum and antiserum are two liquid portions of blood.
Antisera - Immucor
Immucor’s total solution allows laboratories to type red blood cell antigens beyond the limits of ABO Blood Grouping reagents to ensure patient specific needs are met by providing accurate, reliable and consistent results. What feature do you look at when selecting an antisera vendor?
Antisera | RBC Typing - Immucor
From the routine ABO to rare lectins, Immucor offers a complete line of traditional antisera manufactured in the USA. View the complete product line.
Antiserum - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Antiserum is the fundamental reagent of immunodiffusion and provides its great versatility and high specificity. It is used to detect, characterize, and quantitate antigens. Antiserum is produced by animals exposed appropriately to antigen (Weiser et al., 1969).
BD Antigens and Antisera
BD offers antigens and antisera that can facilitate diagnosis of several diseases and meet your microbiology needs. BD antigens, with the patient's serum, enable serology using the slide agglutination test. They are offered for quality control and febrile disease diagnosis.
Antibodies and Antisera - ATCC
ATCC provides antisera to Influenza A virus and several monoclonal antibodies to highly pathogenic avian influenza hemagglutinins. Monoclonal antibodies prepared against the SARS-CoV-2 full-length spike protein or the spike glycoprotein receptor binding domain.
Antiserum - healthencyclopedia.org
Antiserum is a powerful tool in the field of medicine, offering various uses and benefits for treating and preventing diseases. Antiserum contains specific antibodies that provide passive immunity against infective agents, such as bacteria, viruses, and toxic substances.