使用Vagrant和Ansible — 国内最专业的Ansible中文官方学习手册
Vargrant是一个管理虚拟机环境的工具,允许你在不同的虚拟化和云平台 配置和使用可再生的工作环境.它也集成了Ansible作为对虚拟机的服务提供者,而且这两个工具配合的很好.
Ansible Vs. Vagrant - Verbat
2023年1月12日 · Ansible is a configuration management tool that can be used to automate various tasks, such as provisioning and maintaining servers. Vagrant is a tool that can be used …
Ansible vs Vagrant | What are the differences? - StackShare
Ansible uses a simple and human-readable syntax (YAML) for defining tasks and plays, allowing users to quickly start automating their infrastructure. Vagrant, on the other hand, requires …
I show you how you can easily automate a full lab environment containing multiple virtual machines using Vagrant and Ansible. We will use the free and open-source software Ansible …
Difference between modern dev-op tools Ansible / Vagrant ... - Reddit
2021年5月23日 · Vagrant is a tool for building up a quick dev environment. You use Vagrant to spin up quick VM's locally, but isn't so much used to deploy out to other systems. Packer is a …
A Guide to Ansible with Vagrant - Medium
2024年2月11日 · By harnessing the capabilities of Ansible for configuration management and Vagrant for creating and managing virtualized environments locally, you gain a powerful and …
Vagrant Guide - Ansible Documentation
2023年12月12日 · Vagrant is a tool to manage virtual machine environments, and allows you to configure and use reproducible work environments on top of various virtualization and cloud …
Ansible. Docker. Vagrant. Bringing together – Vardan Torosyan
In the following article we’ll see how Ansible, Docker and Vagrant can be used to provision and install necessary software on environment where you can build and deploy an application. …
Ansible Vagrant Example - Testing Ansible with Vagrant
2024年2月24日 · In this article, we are going to see how to use Vagrant to create a development of Virtual machines and start practising Ansible. This is A Beginner article for both Ansible and …
How does Vagrant differ from Ansible and Docker?
Vagrant can complement Ansible and Docker. It is used to spin virtual machines inside which you install Docker and test your Ansible playbooks. You describe desired VM configuration with …