Yoshihiko Amino - Wikipedia
Yoshihiko Amino (Japanese: 網野 善彦, Hepburn: Amino Yoshihiko, January 22, 1928 – February 27, 2004) was a Japanese Marxist historian and public intellectual, perhaps most singularly known for his novel examination of medieval Japanese history. [1]
Rethinking Japanese History | University of Michigan Press
In this fascinating journey across centuries, Amino Yoshihiko, the premier historian of medieval Japan, invites us to rethink everything we thought we knew about Japanese history. From reconsidering the roles of outcastes and outlaws, to the provenance of "Japan (Nihon)," to the very meaning of writing, Amino offers a powerful critique of the ...
Yoshihiko Amino — Wikipédia
Yoshihiko Amino (網野 善彦, Amino Yoshihiko?), né le 22 janvier 1928 dans la préfecture de Yamanashi et mort le 27 février 2004, est un historien marxiste japonais, surtout connu pour son analyse novatrice de l'histoire médiévale japonaise [1].
网野善彦 AminoYoshihiko - 豆瓣读书
网野善彦(1928—2004),生于山梨县,日本著名历史学家。 毕业于东京大学文学部国史学科,历任名古屋大学助教、神奈川大学短期大学部教授、该大学特任教授。 专业方向为日本中世史、日本海民史。 著有《蒙古袭来》《日本中世的非农业民与天皇》《无缘·公界·乐》《异形的王权》《日本社会的历史》《重新解读日本历史》《日本历史上的东与西》《网野善彦著作集(全19 …
构造“日本人”:网野善彦的“异端”史学之路 - 腾讯网
2023年6月12日 · 日本中世史名家网野善彦(Amino Yoshihiko)的作品《日本历史上的东与西》,今年1月由社会科学文献出版社推出由褚以炜先生翻译的中文版。 他的另一本书《重新解读日本历史》也几乎同时推出了简体中文版。 加上2011年就已经翻译引进的晚年集大成之作《日本社会的历史》,网野作品中译本已达三部,据说还有数种也在翻译引进中。 在对日本古代史研究其实多少有些“冷淡”的中国读书界,恐怕也是独此一人的待遇了。 当然,与网野善彦在日本本国的影 …
Yoshihiko Amino's Contentious History: Emperor and Outcastes …
Born in 1929, Yoshihiko Amino has been a professor at Kanagawa University where, with the ethnologist Miyata Noboru, he is a principle member of the interdisciplinary Institute for the Study of Japanese Folklore. A scholar and teacher for 40 years, professor Amino is an innovative authority in the field of Japan's medieval history.
his books, by the time of his retirement in 1998 Amino Yoshihiko was all but a household name. A prolific historian with hundreds of individually authored and co-edited books, articles, and lectures to his credit on a wide array of topics ranging from the expansion of the commercial economy during the Kamakura period (1 185-1333) to the formation
Rethinking Japanese History - Yoshihiko Amino - Google Books
In this fascinating journey across centuries, Amino Yoshihiko, the premier historian of medieval Japan, invites us to rethink everything we thought we knew about Japanese history. From...
Amino Yoshihiko - SamuraiWiki - Samurai Archives
Amino Yoshihiko was a historian of medieval Japan, particularly prominent in the last quarter of the 20th century, and known for his arguments for broad-ranging reassessments of our understandings of, and approaches to, Japanese history.
Books by Yoshihiko Amino - Goodreads
Yoshihiko Amino has 45 books on Goodreads with 249 ratings. Yoshihiko Amino’s most popular book is Rethinking Japanese History (Michigan Monograph Series...