Acute bronchitis: Is it contagious? - Mayo Clinic
2025年1月24日 · Yes. Acute bronchitis is contagious. Most of the time, acute bronchitis is caused by any one of many viruses. These viruses can quickly spread from one person to another. Acute means symptoms occur suddenly and can last up to a few weeks.
Bronchitis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
2024年7月31日 · Acute bronchitis is usually caused by viruses, typically the same viruses that cause colds and flu (influenza). Many different viruses — all of which are very contagious — can cause acute bronchitis. Antibiotics don't kill viruses, so this type of medication isn't useful in most cases of bronchitis.
Bronchitis - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
2024年7月31日 · Because most cases of acute bronchitis are caused by viral infections, antibiotics aren't effective. However, if your doctor suspects that you have a bacterial infection, he or she may prescribe an antibiotic.
Bronquiitis aguda: ¿es contagiosa? - Mayo Clinic
2019年5月16日 · ¿Es contagiosa la bronquitis aguda? Respuesta de John M. Wilkinson, M.D. Sí. La mayoría de las veces, la bronquitis aguda es causada por un virus, como el virus de la gripe (influenza). Sin embargo, muchos virus diferentes (todos muy contagiosos) pueden causar bronquitis aguda. Los virus se ...
Bronchiolitis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
2024年5月4日 · Bronchiolitis is a common lung infection in young children and infants. It causes swelling and irritation and a buildup of mucus in the small airways of the lung.
Honey: An effective cough remedy? - Mayo Clinic
2024年11月5日 · Oduwole O, et al. Honey for acute cough in children (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews ...
Cough - Mayo Clinic
2024年12月11日 · This is the body's response when the throat or airways are irritated. Coughing once in a while isn't unusual. But a long-term cough may mean a medical problem.
急性支气管炎:会传染吗? - 妙佑医疗国际 - Mayo Clinic
2019年5月16日 · 急性支气管炎会传染吗? 回答 John M. Wilkinson, M.D. 是的。大多数情况下,急性支气管炎是由病毒引起,比如流感(流行性感冒)病毒。不过,很多具有高传染性的不同病毒都可能引起急性支气管炎。 病毒主要通过飞沫在人与人 ...
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) - Symptoms & causes - Mayo Clinic
2023年10月4日 · An infected person is most contagious during the first week or so after infection. But in infants and those with weakened immunity, the virus may continue to spread even after symptoms go away, for up to four weeks.
Coughing up blood Causes - Mayo Clinic
2024年11月1日 · Bronchitis; Bronchiectasis, which leads to a buildup of mucus that can be streaked with blood and raise the risk of infection; Pneumonia; Other possible causes of coughing up blood include these conditions and diseases: Bronchial neoplasm, which is a tumor that stems from the large airway in the lung.