The 5S are:
- Sort: Sorting and cleaning; remove unwanted material. Red tag all items that are not needed.
- Straighten: Organizing remaining items, adopt visual controls.
- Shine: Clean the work area as well as inspect the machinery.
- Standardize Set standards; make 5S a way of life.
- Sustain: Maintaining continued compliance.
了解详细信息:The 5S are:
- Sort: Sorting and cleaning; remove unwanted material. Red tag all items that are not needed.
- Straighten: Organizing remaining items, adopt visual controls.
- Shine: Clean the work area as well as inspect the machinery.
- Standardize Set standards; make 5S a way of life.
- Sustain: Maintaining continued compliance.…The five in a 5S workplace organizational and housekeeping methodology refers to five steps – sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain. Safety should be the honorary sixth “S.”…5S involves assessing everything present in a space, removing what's unnecessary, organizing things logically, performing housekeeping tasks, and keeping this cycle going. Organize, clean, management concept of “5S” is promoted for good housekeeping practice in workplaces, which includes five complementary principles of “Organisation”, “Neatness”, “Cleanliness”, “Standisation” Principles of 5s
- Sort (Seiri) All items, equipment, and work materials should be neatly arranged and all unnecessary objects should be removed. ...
- Set in Order (Seiton) All items, equipment, and work materials should be in optimal locations. ...
- Shine (Seiso) ...
- Standardize (Seiketsu) ...
- Sustain/Self-discipline (Shitsuke) ...展开- 其他用户还问了以下问题
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