Right Whales - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
2019年2月6日 · The North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) is one of the most endangered whales in the world—approximately 340 remain—due to entanglement and ship collisions.
Right Whale FAQs - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
A new book by Michael Moore, veterinarian, and marine scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution examines the plight and future of the North Atlantic right whale that draws on Moore's 40 years of fieldwork to offer possible solutions.
Right Whales – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
It is a sad irony that we have cataloged individual photographs of the remaining North Atlantic right whales and given each of them unique numbers and sometimes names, yet still know too little about their physiology, behavior, and habitats to take effective steps toward ensuring their survival as a species.
For right whales, a dwindling food source is causing concern
2024年5月10日 · Saving the North Atlantic right whale from extinction has never been easy, but it now may be getting even more difficult due to the depletion of a key food source in the Gulf of Maine. Until the last 20 years, the Gulf’s cool waters and nutrient-rich currents supported a dense reservoir of the whale’s primary prey—a tiny, energy-rich zooplankton called Calanus …
Whither the North Atlantic Right Whale? - Woods Hole …
2004年11月3日 · Unlike the recovering Southern Ocean right whale population, which travel in far less populated and trafficked waters, North Atlantic right whales are exposed to gauntlets.
North Atlantic right whales are in much poorer condition than …
2020年4月26日 · The analyses revealed that individual North Atlantic right whales —juveniles, adults and mothers—were all in poorer body condition than individual whales from the three populations of Southern right whales.
Are offshore wind farms harming whales? - Woods Hole …
2024年5月9日 · WHOI whale biologist Mark Baumgartner discusses the perceived risks of offshore wind development on endangered right whales.
Doing the Right Thing for the Right Whale - Woods Hole …
2006年1月17日 · The situation is urgent: Seventy years after whaling was banned, the North Atlantic right whale population has not recovered. Only 300 to 350 remain, and the species is headed toward extinction. The threats remain dire: Right whales are frequently struck and killed by ships or become fatally entangled in fishing…
Ice – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
2025年1月22日 · The North Atlantic right whale is one of the most endangered whales in the world, with an estimated 340 left on the planet. How can we explore partnerships and solutions for their survival?
Pilot Whales the ‘Cheetahs of the Deep Sea’
2008年5月19日 · Until now, what happened in the depths, where many whales hunt, stayed there. A new study has revealed that pilot whales are “the cheetahs of the deep sea,” making 15-minute, high-speed, all-or-nothing dives up to 3,280 feet (1,000 meters) deep to chase and catch large squid, before surfacing to catch their breath. “They make colossal dives and must come back …