Jet Lag Prevention, using No-Jet-Lag to reduce jet lag.
No-Jet-Lag ® The Leader in Jet Lag Management for over 32 years. Jet lag is the curse of modern jet travel, but it doesn´t have to spoil your trip. The unique homeopathic remedy No-Jet-Lag helps ensure holiday enjoyment and working efficiency even after long airline flights.
Where to buy No-Jet-Lag.
Each packet of No-Jet-Lag® contains 32 tablets – usually enough for 50 hours flying - equivalent to a round-the-world trip for one person. UNITED STATES No-Jet-Lag® is available at Natural Food Stores, Luggage and Travel Accessory stores, and Independant Pharmacies.
Product Specifications. - No-Jet-Lag
No-Jet-Lag is listed with the FDA for over the counter sales in the United States of America. The National Drug Code for No-Jet-Lag is 059672-0130-4 and barcode is 750980001305. Each 250mg tablet contains five homeopathic remedies effective in countering the effects of jet lag.
No-Jet-Lag and homeopathy, frequently asked questions
NO JET LAG: HOMEOPATHY QUESTIONS. For further information about homeopathic medicine, visit: Homeopathic Educational Services, www.homeopathic.com
No-Jet-Lag Scientific Test, comparing No-Jet-Lag against a placebo.
The results of this study support the use of No-Jet-Lag as a remedy for jet lag symptoms on long haul flights. These results were consistent with those from informal testing of No-Jet-Lag carried out since 1988, including a survey of 55 flight attendants on routes between New Zealand and Asia, North America and Europe, which showed 75% ...
Jet lag symptoms, sleep disruption, tiredness and confusion.
"Factors like travel fatigue, jet lag, a change in your diet, a different climate, and lowered immunity may aggravate the problem by lowering the traveler's resistance. And making passengers more susceptible to infection, or even poisoning," the World Health report points out.
No-Jet-Lag brochure, how to use No-Jet-Lag to reduce jet lag.
No-Jet-Lag is the only jet-lag remedy proven effective in clinical trial that crossed 24 time zones and involved athletes who are seasoned travelers and is also backed by a study of international flight attend ants who found No-Jet-Lag effective.
Media reviews of No-Jet-Lag
If jet lag is a problem, homeopathic pills (No-Jet-Lag) sold at Le Bon Voyage claim to reduce the effects. "The pills contain arnica, which is great for bruising and swelling of the feet," says Le Bon Voyage owner Jayne Walterscheid.
How to reduce jet lag? No-Jet-Lag or Melatonin or special diet
HOW TO REDUCE JET LAG Use No-Jet-Lag. This is a safe and effective remedy for countering jet lag, in the form of easy-to-take tablets. Its effectiveness has been proved in a scientific trial of round-the-world passengers and confirmed by longhaul flight attendants in a test conducted in cooperation with their union.
No-Jet-Lag Consumer Reviews
"No Jet-lag: Developed by a laboratory in New Zealand, this homeopathic remedy made of leopard's bane, daisy, wild chamomile, ipecac and clubmoss helps me feel better after long-haul flights through multiple time zones.”