Keys to the room are stored at Research Facility 5. SCP-1383-affected Foundation personnel are to explain the nature and symptoms of their contamination to all personnel of sufficient object clearance who interact with them and are to avoid socializing with …
Item #: SCP-3641. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: Burgh by Sands law enforcement is to be occupied by Mobile Task Force Iota-10 ("Damn Feds") for the convenience of the recovery of photographs affected by SCP-3641-α. To ensure all photographs are recovered and kept from public knowledge, all citizens of Burgh by Sands are ...
26 June Well, this is fucked I heard the damnedest thing last week, I was wallflowering at an AWCY meet up in Boise (the fuck is with that town anyway?) – sipping on a scotch I
Description: SCP-3285 is an orange plastic medicine bottle containing between five and twenty-five orange pills (hereafter SCP-3285-A) 1 labeled "creative comas"; the logo appears to be a slightly altered version of the Creative Commons logo. One side of the label depicts the illustration pictured above, and the reverse side contains the ...
The wind chimes jingled as a young woman entered the shop. The shelves were covered in a thin layer of dust and it was otherwise a bit musty inside. Alison looked around in search