X-rays, microwaves and vinyl chloride monomer: their clastogenic …
1992年8月1日 · In our study we chose the mic'ronucleus assay with a new mathematical approach to separate clastogenic from aneugenic activity of three well-known mutagens (vinyl chloride monomer, X-rays and microwaves) on the genome of human somatic cells.
Teratogenesis and mutagenesis associated with the exposure of …
Major sectors of the lead-related industries have traditionally supported the view that the exposure of human males and females to lead is associated with significantly different reproductive-related risks. This review examines selected data pertaining to teratogenesis and mutagenesis associated wit …
Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related …
1996年9月26日 · It is generally accepted that elevated SCE frequencies usually persist 2-16 weeks after the action of most chemical mutagens (Stetka et al., 1976; Uzych, 1988). The SCE frequencies which are caused by VCM, however, persist for a long period and are detected up to 10 years after the last occupational exposure (Fu~iE et al., 1994b; Conner and ...
The Male-Mediated Developmental Toxicity of Cyclophosphamide
Paternally-mediated adverse effects on progeny outcome may be manifested as decreased fertility, embryolethality, external or internal malformations evident at the time of birth, or more subtle changes such as modification of post-natal development or behavior, or a subsequent increased incidence of cancer.
Human Male Exposure to Vinyl Chloride and Possible Teratogenic …
In: Chemical Mutagens: Principles and Methods for Their Detection, volume 4, ed. A Hollaender pp. 321-39. New York: Plenum Press, 1976. Purchase Ifh, Richardson CR, Anderson D., et al. Chromosomal analyses in vinyl chloride-exposed workers. Mutation Research 1978; 57: 325-34.
Reproductive and chromosomal effects of occupational exposure …
1989年1月1日 · Effects can include impaired development and function of the reproductive tract and permanently altered gene expression, leading to metabolic and hormonal disorders, reduced fertility and fecundity, and illnesses such as testicular, prostate, uterine, …
Paternal occupational lead exposure and congenital malformations.
Uzych L. Teratogenesis and mutagenesis associated with the exposure of human males to lead: a review. Yale J Biol Med. 1985 Jan-Feb; 58 (1):9–17. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
Eugenics | The British Journal of Psychiatry | Cambridge Core
Uzych, L. (1995) Genetic testing for children and adolescents. Journal of the American Medical Association, 273, 1089 – 1090. Google Scholar.
Teratogenesis and mutagenesis associated with the exposure of …
1985年1月1日 · Major sectors of the lead-related industries have traditionally supported the view that the exposure of human males and females to lead is associated with significantly different reproductive-related risks. This review examines selected data pertaining to teratogenesis and mutagenesis associated with the exposure of human males to lead.
Power considerations in studies of reproductive effects of vinyl ...
We review the evidence examining the relation of reproductive function and exposure to vinyl chloride and selected structural analogs. Investigation of these compounds for possible reproductive effects has focused on paternal exposure, a much less well studied route than maternal exposure.