How to place motion sensor? : r/PhasmophobiaGame - Reddit
2021年1月21日 · When the motion sensor is placed, it basically shoots a laser straight out at a range of about 2m, or the width of most hallways (Your average doorway is about 1m, for reference). Anything that walks through that beam will cause the motion sensor to trip. The light on the sensor will change from red to green for a few seconds, and in the truck ...
All Equipment Types, Tiers & Uses (Ascension Update)
2023年10月14日 · Wraiths cannot step in salt, so if the motion sensor triggers above the salt and no footstep was left, you know your ghost is a Wraith. Tier 1: Description: A basic single laser trip design, this device will flash a bright white light when either the ghost or a player passes through the sensor Level: 5 Cost: $100 Per Unit Consumable: No ...
Question about DOTS and motion sensors : r/PhasmophobiaGame …
2022年10月27日 · The motion sensor senses the ghost, but the DOTS is an interaction. So it's fully possible for the ghost to trip the motion sensor without triggering DOTS. Reply reply
Motion detectors and sound sensors : r/PhasmophobiaGame
2023年9月23日 · What is the main difference (besides the obvious one of the motion sensor detection motion) between sound sensors and motion detectors? I don't see the reason to bring both on a contract. Motion detectors I think are even BETTER than the sound sensors, since they both show where the ghost is (or at least going) and it gives an audio cue in the van.
Can you use motion sensors to get ghost photos? : r ... - Reddit
Motion Sensors are tripped when the ghost or player walk in the sensor's range. The ghost does not have to interact with the sensor to trip it, it just has to walk through it. The range is fairly small, but larger than salt's. Salt needs to have the ghost walk directly on it and then the footprints actually follow the ghost.
Motion Sensor Bug : r/PhasmophobiaGame - Reddit
2023年3月22日 · It's happened to me twice on Tanglewood in the past few days where I'll try and place a motion sensor and it'll just disappear. I know this sometimes happens when items clip out of bounds, like books or DOTS, and then they'll just go back to the van, but every time, the motion sensor appears in the air upside down in a specific spot in the ...
Problems with motion sensors : r/PhasmophobiaGame - Reddit
2020年11月4日 · If you're certain it's the right room, it's odd that it wouldn't trip the objective especially with good coverage and diversifying positioning. Even in the latest patch, motion sensor is usually the easiest objective, only needing one sensor placed generally anywhere in the room. Maybe two to make it faster for a larger room like a School ...
Motion sensors not detecting ghosts? :: Phasmophobia Bug …
2022年9月28日 · I've had 3 missions with a motion detector objective and not managed to get the ghost to activate a motion sensor once. Even put one on either side of a wardrobe then hid in it - the ghost wandered past me multiple times but neither sensor went off. The sensors are detecting the ghost hunters fine, just not the ghosts.
Motion Sensor and Dots Combo : r/PhasmophobiaGame - Reddit
2022年6月30日 · Then if you see the motion sensor going off repeatedly without getting anything it will mean it's less likely to be one of those. Also, if you have the voodoo doll or tarot cards, you can use them right as the ghost is next to the book/dots to try to make it interact (voodoo doll pins and tower cards from tarot cause ghost interactions which ...
Motion Sensor monitor not working? : r/PhasmophobiaGame
When it gets activated, the line on the moniter does still go from red to green, but it is basically a flicker. I have to be staring at the monitor or I'll miss it. Used to stay green for a couple of seconds, so I could be looking at the video monitor, and when I heard the motion sensor alert noise I would have time to turn at check.