M2 light tank - Wikipedia
The first M3 Stuart tanks began to be produced in March 1941; the original riveted M3s closely resembled the M2A4, and the two types occasionally served in the same units; an easy …
Light Tank M2A2 and M2A3 - Tank Encyclopedia
2022年10月8日 · The M2A2 and M2A3 tanks were a useful stepping stone on the path the US Army was taking towards developing what could be considered an effective tank. M2A2 “Mae …
M2 Light Tank (1935)
The American M2 Light Tank was the precursor of the famous M3 Stuart, built in small quantities and retained for training or used in WW2
M2輕型戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M2輕型戰車 (英語:M2 Light Tank)是 美國 於 第二次世界大戰 前所使用的一款 輕戰車,並在 二戰 中有限度地服役於美軍中。 該戰車最常見的型號為裝備了一門37公釐的M5戰車砲、一挺 …
M2轻型战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M2轻型战车 (英语:M2 Light Tank)是 美国 于 第二次世界大战 前所使用的一款 轻战车,并在 二战 中有限度地服役于美军中。 该战车最常见的型号为装备了一门37毫米的M5战车炮、一挺 …
M2 / M3 / M5 Stuart Light Tank - GlobalSecurity.org
A much improved light tank, the M3, known in England as the General Stuart, was adopted. Although very similar to the M2A4, the M3 was 3 ½ tons heavier, mounted a 37-mm. gun, and …
Light Tank M2 - AFV Database
2024年11月5日 · The M2A2 had twin turrets placed side-by-side on the hull and was very unofficially dubbed "Mae West," since the turrets gave the tank a passing resemblance to the …
M2 Light Tank - World War Photos
Light Tank M2 was created as an extension of a series of experimental vehicles T2. The first prototype T2E1 was established in April 1934. Variants: M2A1 – initial production type with …
M2 Light Tank Series – Army Tanks
Thicker armor at the front and at the sides of the hull caused the M2A4 to weigh more and therefore to move more slowly than the M2A2 and the M2A3. The design of the M3 light tank, …
M2 (Light Tank, M2) Light Tank - Military Factory
2017年4月6日 · By this time, the M2 series was something of an outclassed weapon by European standards and was eventually replaced on the American production lines by the more capable …