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CPVV Public API - Safe Transport Victoria
The CPVV Public API provides access to Safe Transport Victoria's data on vehicles, drivers, and booking service providers.
CPVV also continues to work with the cross-industry taskforce and continues to make specific recommendations on how industry can be engaged to support ongoing contingency planning.
2021年8月11日 · • Advised the next COVID-19 CPVV Industry Update is scheduled for 25 August 2021 at 2:00pm. • If there are any significant changes they will be communicated via email, social media or text message.
CPVV will be communicating with drivers, BSPs and vehicle owners today to provide an update to keep industry informed with changes. o Advised CPVV’s understanding is that testing will capture commercial passenger vehicles
Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria (CPVV) would like to remind Booking Service Providers (BSPs) of their obligations. Since 1 March 2019, all industry participants with safety duties are required to notify CPVV of any incident related to a commercial passenger vehicle …
• CPVV reply - AM confirmed drivers have been reported and advised as part of CPVV’s process for those confirmed or suspected of being infected with COVID19, drivers accreditations are suspended and removed from the public register for the period of their quarantine.
Report for CPVV preferred language survey Completion Rate: 58.7% Complete 4,613 Partial 3,247 Totals: 7,860 Response Counts 1. 1. What is your role in the commercial passenger vehicle industry? Please tick all that apply. P e r c e n t Driver providing booked services only (for example, rideshare or hire car services) Driver providing
o CPVV reply – We have been advised the CBD lockdown will be in force between 8am and 2pm, for these six hours. Further, the CPVV website has been updated with all relevant information, turn-back points have been listed and further maps will be included as they are developed.
• Advised the next COVID-19 CPVV Industry Update is scheduled for 21 April 2021 at 2:00pm. • If there are any significant changes they will be communicated via email, social media or text message.