Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - Wikipedia
On December 14, 2012, a mass shooting occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, United States. The perpetrator, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 people. The victims were 20 children between six …
Sandy Hook shootings: Four things revealed by FBI files - BBC
2017年10月25日 · Adam Lanza killed 20 elementary school children, six adults and his mother on 14 December 2012 before turning the gun on himself. While details of 20-year-old Lanza's declining mental health...
桑迪胡克小学枪击案 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
在枪手亚当·兰扎(英語: Adam Lanza )自杀之前,18名儿童和6名成人在学校被杀。另有3名儿童受重伤被送至医院,其中2名在医院中死亡。 [7] 枪手的哥哥瑞安·兰扎(英語: Ryan Lanza )被康涅狄格州警察和FBI讯问,但没有被称为嫌犯。
亚当·兰扎 - 百度百科
亚当·兰扎(Adam Lanza,1992年4月22日—2012年12月14日)是一名美国枪手,制造了“12·14美国河康涅狄格州校园枪击案”。 案发当日,枪手于家中杀死母亲后开车前往Sandy Hook小学,杀死20名学生与6名学校职员,随后自杀身亡。
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - Britannica
2025年1月13日 · After killing his mother in their home, Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adults at the school in Newtown, Connecticut, before taking his own life. It was one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history.
Sandy Hook: FBI documents have disturbing details on killer Adam Lanza
2017年10月24日 · On July 29, 2014, investigators released the results of a behavioral analysis of Adam Lanza to law enforcement and victims’ family members. They found there was evidence to suggest Lanza had an...
Sandy Hook School Shootings Fast Facts - CNN
2013年6月7日 · December 14, 2012 - At an unknown time, 20-year-old Adam Lanza kills his mother Nancy, 52, with a .22 caliber Savage Mark II rifle. Lanza then drives his mother’s car to Sandy Hook Elementary...
Sandy Hook Elementary shooting: What happened? - CNN
At some point before he went to the school, investigators believe Adam Lanza, 20, killed his mother, Nancy Lanza.
Would More Secure Doors Have Slowed Newtown Shooter?
2013年2月15日 · Adam Lanza shot his way into Sandy Hook Elementary School by blowing holes in the school's front door. But had that door been something more sophisticated and more secure, might...
Adam Lanza: Profile of suspected Newtown gunman - BBC News
2012年12月18日 · Adam Lanza used her legally purchased Bushmaster assault rifle to carry out his attack. He was also carrying his mother's two handguns, a Glock pistol and a Sig Sauer. Police found a shotgun in...