Nail Clubbing - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2022年9月24日 · The differential diagnoses for nail clubbing include the following: Neoplastic intrathoracic diseases: Bronchogenic carcinoma, malignant and benign pleural tumors, metastatic cancers, Hodgkin lymphoma, thymoma, pulmonary artery sarcoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, primary lymphosarcoma of the lung, and esophageal cancer
Evaluation of clubbing - Differential diagnosis of symptoms
2024年6月25日 · Clubbing is a bulbous uniform swelling of the soft tissue of the terminal phalanx of a digit with subsequent loss of the normal angle between the nail and nail bed. The first stage of clubbing is a periungual erythema and a softening of the nail bed; this is followed by an increase in the Lovibond angle (the angle between the proximal nail fold ...
Clubbing DDx • LITFL • CCC Differential Diagnosis
Clubbing is an abnormality of the fingertips with following features: beaked nails; loss of angle between nail bed and finger; increased AP width of finger tip; sponginess of proximal nail bed
Clubbing: an update on diagnosis, differential diagnosis ... - PubMed
Clinically, clubbing is associated with a number of neoplastic, pulmonary, cardiac, gastrointestinal, infectious, endocrine, psychiatric, and multisystem diseases. In narrowing the differential diagnosis, we recommend a detailed history and physical examination accompanied by focused laboratory and imaging studies.
Clubbing: An update on diagnosis, differential diagnosis ...
Clinically, clubbing is associated with a number of neoplastic, pulmonary, cardiac, gastrointestinal, infectious, endocrine, psychiatric, and multisystem diseases. In narrowing the differential diagnosis, we recommend a detailed history and physical examination accompanied by focused laboratory and imaging studies.
Clubbing of the Nails Differential Diagnoses - Medscape
2023年3月15日 · Since Hippocrates first described digital clubbing in patients with empyema, digital clubbing has been associated with various underlying pulmonary, cardiovascular, neoplastic, infectious,...
promoters of vascularity and, ultimately, clubbing. Clinically, clubbing is associated with a number of neoplastic, pulmonary, cardiac, gastrointestinal, infectious, endocrine, psychiatric, and multisystem diseases. In narrowing the differential diagnosis, we recommend a …
Clubbing - WikEM
Differential Diagnosis. Clubbing as a sign can be related to the following causes: Respiratory Conditions Interstitial fibrosis; Bronchiectasis; Lung cancer; Empyema; Cystic fibrosis; Other Systemic Conditions Cyanotic congenital heart disease; Endocarditis; Liver cirrhosis; Chronic diarrhea; Hereditary; Idiopathic; Evaluation Workup
Nail Abnormalities: Clues to Systemic Disease | AAFP
2004年3月15日 · Clubbing of the nails often suggests pulmonary disease or inflammatory bowel disease. Koilonychia, or “spoon-shaped” nails, may stimulate a work-up for hemochromatosis or anemia. In the absence...
Clubbing: Bedside Evaluation for Associated Conditions - AAFP
2002年5月1日 · Visual inspection and palpation are usually sufficient to detect advanced clubbing, but early stages of clubbing can be more difficult to detect. Myers and Farquhar review the available...
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