Wild Venison Recipes - Maui Nui Venison
Quick, easy and convenient recipes for cooking with Axis Venison.
Axis Deer Meat Recipes: Delicious Ways to Cook This Unique Game Meat
Popular recipes include grilled axis deer steaks, axis deer chili, and braised axis deer shanks. Each recipe highlights the meat’s flavor and can be prepared with various cooking methods to …
Maui Nui Venison | Wild Harvested Axis Venison
Fortunately, Axis deer meat is as delicious and versatile as it is healthy. We have built an inspired, mouth-watering, and ever-expanding library of recipes to turn your Maui Nui venison into show …
Axis Deer Recipe & Recipes for Deer Meat - Escondido Ranch
Axis Deer Back Straps: 2 axis back straps; 5 cloves of garlic; 1 pkg of smoked bacon; Salt and pepper to taste . Clean each axis back strap. Slice garlic cloves in half. Take each back strap …
Pan-Asian Teriyaki Axis Deer Loin Recipe - Marlin
2022年10月13日 · His axis loin is seriously out of this world, especially served over pineapple jasmine rice. This dish pairs perfectly with a classic Tito’s Martini . Ingredients | Serves 4
Venison Carpaccio | MeatEater Cook
2019年6月13日 · This carpaccio recipe will work with any type of venison, but since I started guiding hunts in Hawaii over the past decade, I’ve come to love using axis deer. Axis deer …
Axis Deer Leg Medallions – Windward-Westward
2021年5月11日 · In the Guide, we mentioned an outfit called Maui Nui Venison that has established a commercial harvest for the invasive Axis Deer and sells USDA certified venison …
Axis deer recipes – The Deerslayer's Wife
2017年3月6日 · Every hunter knows that the backstrap is one of the most prized cuts of meat from a deer hunting harvest. Seared or fried up into steaks, it just doesn’t get any better. However, …
Axis – The Deerslayer's Wife
2021年2月20日 · Get a bunch of hunters sittin’ around a fire and ask ’em what they think of axis deer meat. I’m guessing that the consensus, after a couple of contemplative sips of beer and a …
lanai axis deer recipes - forumotion.com
2009年6月28日 · So far made adobo and Kalawen (raw tenderloins, vinegar, shoyu, ginger, onion) What recipes do you guys know. The meat is frozen in a bag in the freezer and I'm