Do whales eat zooplankton - Answers
2023年10月8日 · Yes, baleen whales do. There are two types of whales: the baleen whales are of the family Mysticeti, while toothed whales are in the family Odontoceti. Toothed whales include dolphins, porpoises ...
Do whales eat walruses? - Answers
2023年10月8日 · Yes, orcas (killer whales), false killer whales, pilot whales, bottlenose whales, bottlenose dolphins, and marlins eat tuna fish. Also,sperm whalesand sharks occasionally eat tuna fish but they ...
Do killer whales eat eels - Answers
2024年10月18日 · Killer whales, also known as orcas, primarily feed on fish, seals, sea lions, and sometimes even larger marine mammals like whales. While they are opportunistic feeders and have been known to ...
Do baleen whales eat shrimp - Answers
2023年10月9日 · Baleen whales eat a diet of small fish and zooplankton. Their diet changes depending on where they are. In the Southern Ocean near Antarctica, they live on krill, a small shrimp-like zooplankton.
Do sperm whales really eat giant squids? - Answers
2023年10月8日 · Sperm whales measure to 59ft and weigh 50 tons. Giant squid can measure to 66ft at most but weigh at 606 pounds. So giant squid is longer but weights at fraction compare to sperm whale.
Do killer whales eat octopus - Answers
2022年11月15日 · Yes. Killer whales (orcas) are known to eat octopuses. They also eat marine mammals such as seals, sea lions, walruses and even smaller whales. They also feed on birds, sea turtles, penguins ...
What else do whales eat? - Answers
2023年10月9日 · Whales are predators, they eat from plankton, to squid, to even sharks (killer whales eat sharks but to be honest there dolphins). Killer Whales also eat other whales. This answer is:
Do blue whales eat anything besides krill? - Answers
2023年10月9日 · Yes. Its favorite food is "Krill". An Adult blue whale can kill upto 40 million krill per day. They can eat nearly 3500 kilograms of krill in a single day. They need nearly 1.5 million ...
How much food does killer whales eat a day? - Answers
2023年10月8日 · Male killer whales do not live as long as female killer whales. Male killer whales live for about 20-30 years so female killer whales live about 50-60 years but they have been seen living from 80 ...
What do sperm whales eat? - Answers
2022年11月15日 · Sperm Whales are carnivores and feed on several species. The most notable prey species are the giant squid, the colossal squid, octopuses, and diverse fish like demersal rays, but the main part of ...