Skyrim:Kill Anoriath - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
When you receive this contract from Nazir, he says Anoriath is a hunter who hunts on the plains outside Whiterun. However, prolonged stalking reveals that he does not in fact leave the city. During the day he works at his stall in the market, and at night he retires to The Drunken Huntsman, which is run by his brother, to sleep.
Skyrim:Anoriath - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
He is one of the targets of a Dark Brotherhood assassination contract. From 8am to 7pm, Anoriath operates a butcher's stall in Whiterun's market area, selling many types of meat. He then closes the stall to sleep in the Drunken Huntsman. Anoriath wears a set of farm clothes with a pair of hide bracers and a pair of hide boots.
Contract: Kill Anoriath - Skyrim Wiki
One of three contracts from the third set Nazir provides after Bound Until Death. The Dragonborn is sent to The Drunken Huntsman inn in Whiterun to kill a wood elf named Anoriath who hunts outside of the city at times. Tip: A kill at the inn will again require stealth to avoid alerting anyone.
Anoriath - Elder Scrolls
Anoriath is one of the victims of the Dark Brotherhood contracts. If he dies, his coffin can be found in the Whiterun Hall of the Dead. If the Dragonborn kills him or his brother, the surviving brother may send hired thugs to avenge the killing.
Contract: Kill Anoriath | Skyrim Wiki
2024年10月23日 · Contract: Kill Anoriath is a Dark Brotherhood Quest in Skyrim. Contract: Kill Anoriath is one of the Contracts given to the Dragonborn by Nazir. I must kill the archer Anoriath, who can usually be found at his food stall in Whiterun, or hunting in the plains outside the city.
Dark Brotherhood Contracts - GameBanshee
You'll find Anoriath in Whiterun, usually at his stall in the market (during the day) or in his room at the Drunken Huntsman (at night). Anoriath will sleep alone in his room, so that's the easiest place to assassinate him. You'll receive this contract once you've completed Nazir's first two sets of …
Side Contract: Kill Anoriath - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game …
2016年5月11日 · In order to unlock this quest, you have to ask Nazir for new contracts during conversation with him. It is worth noting, that this contract and others will be unlocked only if you have completed all previous side contracts.
Contracts: Anoriath; Deekus; Ma'randru-jo - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim …
2018年6月18日 · Contract: Ma'randru-jo: The Khajit is part of a travelling merchant's caravan and can be taken on the road or while camped. You'll have to locate the mark and then approach, stalk and...
Anoriath - Skyrim Wiki
Anoriath is a Wood Elf in Whiterun. He is part owner, with his brother Elrindir, of The Drunken Huntsman. He operates a stall on the marketplace which sells meat. He is also the target for one of the Dark Brotherhood quests: Contract: Kill Anoriath. Quests [] Contract: Kill Anoriath
Contract: Anoriath Help? :: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim General …
2015年9月5日 · Okay so I've been working months to find a way to fix Anoriath. I've tried moving him to me outside of Whiterun to kill him, nada. Tried several different console commands, they didn't work. He won't leave The Drunken Huntsman to go to his stall in Whiterun during the day. He won't go to sleep at night. Does anyone have any suggestions?