Just check the R404A PT chart below and you will see that the pressure of 404A liquid at 85°F is 189.5 psig and the pressure of 404A vapor is 187.5 psig at the same temperature. We use …
2019年3月20日 — Pressure chart for all temperatures of the R-404A refrigerant. Diagnose problems for your R-404A appliance with our complete Pressure Table.
R404A Pressure Temperature Chart Printable PDF Temp er atu r e (° F ): Temp er atu r e (° C): 404A L i q u i d P r essu r e (p si g ): 404A Vap o r P r essu r e (p si g ):-49° F -45. 0° C 0. 9 psi …
Scan to learn more about our new PT Chart. Scan to learn more about calculating Glide. • Use gauges to determine the pressure at the evaporator coil outlet, and a thermometer to get the …