Quenching (astronomy) - Wikipedia
A galaxy that has been quenched (with little active star formation) is called a quiescent galaxy. [1] Several possible astrophysical mechanisms have been proposed that could lead to quenching, which either result in a lack of cold molecular gas, or a decrease in how efficiently stars can form from molecular gas.
How to quench a galaxy - astrobites
2020年9月19日 · There are two main ways AGN can shut down star formation: radio mode, where jets from the AGN heat up the gas that surrounds the galaxy and prevents it from cooling and condensing onto the galaxy where it can then form stars, and quasar mode, where the AGN creates winds that push gas out of the galaxy, preventing new stars from forming.
A recently quenched galaxy 700 million years after the Big Bang
2024年3月6日 · Here we report a (mini-)quenched galaxy at z = 7.3, when the Universe was only 700 Myr old. The JWST/NIRSpec spectrum is very blue (U – V = 0.16 ± 0.03 mag) but exhibits a Balmer break and no...
【astrobites】星系是如何熄灭的?How to quench a galaxy - 哔哩 …
Galaxies in the green valley are in the process of quenching and are the most interesting to look at when determining how quenching happens. For the central green valley galaxies, the center of the galaxies are quenched, while the outer regions are still star forming. This indicates that quenching is happening from the inside and moving outward.
The epoch of galaxy quenching - Nature Astronomy
2023年2月28日 · The recent meeting, ‘The Epoch of Galaxy Quenching’, at the Kavli Institute of Cosmology, Cambridge, brought together observers and theorists to ask and answer the question: why, when and how ...
Galaxy Quenching - University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Galaxy quenching is the process of star formation turning off in a galaxy (see Wikipedia: Quenching; Wikipedia: Galaxy formation and evolution: Galaxy quenching). A quenched galaxy is usually defined as one where the star formation rate (SFR) ⪅ 1/10 of that of unquenched galaxies which are usually spiral galaxies with SFR 0.1--tens of M ...
Star formation quenching in massive galaxies - Nature
2018年9月3日 · Understanding how and why star formation turns off in massive galaxies is a major challenge for studies of galaxy evolution. Many theoretical explanations have been proposed, but a definitive ...
[2502.01724] Cosmic quenching - arXiv.org
3 天之前 · The quenching of star formation activity represents a critical phase for a non-negligible fraction of the observed galaxy population at all cosmic epochs, marking a transition from an epoch of intense mass growth to an extended period of passive evolution. Over the past years, we have collected a detailed characterization of how the fraction of quenched galaxies evolves as a function of cosmic ...
The quenching of star formation in dwarf galaxies: new …
1 天前 · The quenching of star formation due to the presence of a nearby massive galaxy is likely to be driven by the large tidal perturbations that dwarfs will encounter when they are within the virial radius of their massive neighbours (e.g. Jackson et al., 2021a), which appears to be consistent with the large fraction (∼ similar-to \sim ∼ 50 per ...
Quenching, bursting, and galaxy shapes: colour transformation as …
We find that elliptical galaxies in the transition region have median shorter quenching time-scales (τ 1 Gyr) than spirals (τ ≥ 1 Gyr). This result conforms to the scenario in which major mergers and other violent processes play a fundamental role in galaxy evolution for most ellipticals, not only quenching star formation more rapidly but ...