Eye Gaze Games - SpecialEffect
Eye Gaze Games lets you compete against other players around the world, play against the computer at a range of difficulty levels or take on friends and family on the same device. Play now! There’s a huge range of settings options and a step-by-step setup wizard to help you create an interface tailored for your abilities.
Eye Gaze Games
Eye Gaze Games offers a variety of games designed for eye gaze technology users.
Accessible eye gaze games - Tobii Dynavox US
Browse our collection of popular games, adapted for play with eye control/eye gaze devices/software, video demoed by our in-house expert accessible gamer.
Welcome to Eye Gaze Games! – GameAccess
A place to share our free and accessible web games which are playable with just your eyes, using an eye gaze camera. There are also options to play using switches, a mouse or a touchscreen. Players can customise their controls in the settings menu.
Gaze.Fun is a free website designed to make a variety of games and resources accessible to those using Eye Gaze technology.
GazePlay - GazePlay
Gazeplay is free and open-source software, gathering nearly 60 mini-games playable with an eye-tracker. Latest release. Install for Windows (x64) Install for Linux Install for MacOS
Fast Sight - Free Eye Tracking PC Game - Tobii Gaming
2015年2月23日 · Use your gaze to control your direction as you run to catch up to your opponent, who will try to stop you by setting traps or throwing heavy rocks. See if you can avoid all the obstacles by terraforming and blasting projectiles into sand, while picking up energizing crystals lying around in the terrain using your fast sight.
Accessible eye gaze games - Tobii Dynavox Global
Browse our collection of popular games, adapted for play with eye control/eye gaze devices/software, video demoed by our in-house expert accessible gamer.
Ginger Tiger - Online learning environment
Ginger Tiger is the largest online activity resource for special needs learners. Join us today and open the door to a magical learning experience for your students and children. Want to try our games? Try for 7 days for free, no credit card needed. …
Lekotek of Georgia -online games for kids
Free and accessible web games which are playable with just your eyes, using an eye gaze camera. They have collected games and activities you can play online, on any web browser or with Windows 8/10 compatible devices (I-12+, I-15+, EyeMobile Plus, EyeMobile, PCEye Plus, PCEye Mini, PCEye Go or PCEye Explore).