Fallopian tubes at diagnostic hysteroscopy - ISGE
During hysteroscopic evaluation of the uterus the most important guidance points right after entering through the endocervical canal are the entrance of the Fallopian tubes both sides …
Accuracy of Tubal Patency Assessment in Diagnostic Hysteroscopy ...
2018年7月1日 · In an analysis of 998 fallopian tubes, the hysteroscopic assessment of fallopian tube “flow” was highly accurate in predicting fallopian tube patency (p < .001), with a sensitivity …
Fallopian tube subtle pathology - ScienceDirect
2019年8月1日 · Tubal subtle variations, including tubal diverticula, Morgagni hydatids, accessory fallopian tube, accessory ostium of the fallopian tube, tubal phimosis, agglutination, and …
The Role of Diagnostic Hysteroscopy in the Evaluation of Fallopian Tube …
Visualizing a “flow effect” or air bubbles dispersing through the ostia, sonographically assessed shifts in cul de sac volume, and selective Fallopian tubal cannulation are reportedly promising …
Clinical implications of accessory fallopian tube ostium in ...
Tubal cannulation confirmed two separate ostia, with chromotubation showing free flow of dye through separate fimbrial ostia of the right fallopian tube. The current case highlights that …
Clinical article Clinical features of fallopian tube accessory ostium ...
2015年6月1日 · Fallopian tube accessory ostium is a rare condition that occurs when an ectopic fimbria is observed at a distance from the fimbriated end as a natural variation of the fallopian …
Clinical implications of accessory fallopian tube ostium in
Tubal cannulation confirmed two separate ostia, with chromotubation showing free flow of dye through separate fimbrial ostia of the right fallopian tube. The current case highlights that …
A Rare Image of Fallopian Tube Anomaly: Ampullary Accessory Fallopian …
2023年12月12日 · In general, there are 5 types of fallopian tube abnormalities: fimbria agglutination, tubal diverticula, tubal accessory ostium, phimosis, and accessory fallopian tube …
2016年4月27日 · Tubal cannulation confirmed two separate ostia, with chromotubation showing free flow of dye through separate fimbrial ostia of the right fallopian tube. The current case …
Ostial membranes have a central round and sharp defined orifice giving passage to the fallopian tube. They can be unilateral or bilateral (Fig. 1). This poorly described hysteroscopic entity …