Premature birth - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
2024年3月22日 · A premature birth means a baby is born too early. The birth takes place before the 37th week of pregnancy. A typical pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks. Premature babies …
Preterm birth - Wikipedia
Preterm birth, also known as premature birth, is the birth of a baby at fewer than 37 weeks gestational age, as opposed to full-term delivery at approximately 40 weeks. [1] Extreme …
Preterm Birth: Premature, Causes, Symptoms & Complications
2024年2月23日 · When a baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy, it’s called premature or preterm birth. The earlier the birth, the more serious the health risks to the baby. Some of the …
Preterm birth - World Health Organization (WHO)
2023年5月10日 · Babies may be born preterm because of spontaneous preterm labour or because there is a medical indication to plan an induction of labour or caesarean birth early. …
Preterm Birth | Maternal Infant Health | CDC - Centers for …
2024年11月8日 · Preterm birth is when a baby is born too early, before 37 weeks of pregnancy have been completed. In 2022, preterm birth affected about 1 of every 10 infants born in the …
Premature Birth: Causes, Preemie Effects, Survival - Verywell Health
2023年9月12日 · Premature birth refers to childbirth that happens before a person reaches 37 weeks of pregnancy. When a baby is born prematurely, they have a higher risk of experiencing …
Premature (Preterm) Labor: Signs, Causes, and Treatments - WebMD
2024年9月28日 · Premature labor is also called preterm labor. It’s when your body starts getting ready for birth too early in your pregnancy. Labor is premature if it starts more than 3 weeks …
Preterm Birth: An Overview - PMC
For early identification, treatment, and avoidance of negative consequences, it is essential to understand the cellular and metabolic mechanisms that cause preterm labor.
Preterm Labor and Birth | NICHD - NICHD - Eunice Kennedy …
2023年5月9日 · Labor that begins before 37 weeks is called preterm labor (or premature labor). A birth that occurs before 37 weeks is considered a preterm birth. Preterm birth is the most …
Premature Birth > Fact Sheets - Yale Medicine
Premature birth, also known as preterm birth, is when a baby is born earlier than usual, before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Because premature babies are born early, they have not had as much …