extract words from a string - SAS Communities
2022年9月9日 · Using a regex (with a loop) is another way so solve the problem. ;;;; data temp; set have; group + 1; do i = 1 to countw(MH, ';'); .
SAS Help Center: Jump Statements
You can program a jump by using either the GOTO statement or the LINK statement: Both the GOTO and LINK statements instruct SAS/IML software to jump immediately to a labeled statement. However, if you use a LINK statement, then the program returns to the statement following the LINK statement when the program executes a RETURN statement.
Programming Statements: Jump Statements - 9.3 - SAS Support
You can program a jump by using either the GOTO statement or the LINK statement: Both the GOTO and LINK statements instruct SAS/IML software to jump immediately to a labeled statement. However, if you use a LINK statement, then the program returns to the statement following the LINK statement when the program executes a RETURN statement.
Extracting words from a string after a specific character - SAS …
2019年2月6日 · INDEX would find the ~, so if you substring from that it includes the ~, +1 gives you the position after the first ~.
JUMP Command - SAS Help Center
2020年7月27日 · The JUMP command moves program execution to the specified location without executing intervening statements. After executing JUMP, you must restart execution with GO or STEP. You can jump to any executable statement in the DATA step.
Programming Statements: Jumping :: SAS/IML(R) 9.2 User's Guide
You can program a jump by using either the GOTO statement or the LINK statement: GOTO label; LINK label; Both the GOTO and LINK statements instruct IML to jump immediately to the labeled statement. The LINK statement, however, reminds IML where it jumped from so that execution can be returned there if a RETURN statement is encountered.
sas - Pull Strings Before and After Key Words - Stack Overflow
2020年1月14日 · You can use RegEx capture groups to pull out the two words directly before your keyword using prxparse and prxposn. The below should grab any two words before the word nice in the comment variable and add them to the firstTwoStrings variable.
Behind the scenes with SAS Visual Text Analytics Part I
2024年12月4日 · While a few of the SAS Visual Text Analytics (VTA) nodes enable users to access some of the CAS table outputs, there are many more CAS tables that are stored in the VTA project caslib that can be extracted and leveraged. For example, you could... Read on if you'd like to understand how to access and leverage these tables..
SAS® has numerous character functions which are very useful for manipulating character fields, but knowing Perl Regular Expressions (RegEx) will help anyone implement complex pattern matching and search-and-replace operations in their programs.
Twenty Ways to Run Your SAS® Programs Faster and Use Less Space
2021年3月15日 · Twenty ways to have your program use less space and time: Use only the variables that you need. DROP and KEEP statements and DROP= and KEEP= SAS data set options will instruct SAS about which variables you need.