Queyras - Wikipedia
The Queyras (French pronunciation:; Occitan: Cairàs) is a valley located in the French Hautes-Alpes, of which the geographical extent is the basin of the river Guil, a tributary of the Durance. The Queyras is one of the oldest mountain ranges of the Alps, and it was one of the last ones to be opened to public tourism towards the end of the ...
Office de tourisme du Guillestrois Queyras – Alpes – site officiel
Le Queyras ? C’est un autre monde. Des villages du Guillestrois aux 3841 mètres du Mont Viso, ce sont les vallées habitées les plus hautes d’Europe.
Official website of the Tourist Office Guillestrois Queyras
The Queyras? It’s another world. From the villages of the Guillestrois to the 3841-meter-high Mount Viso, these are the highest inhabited valleys
Queyras — Wikipédia
Le Queyras (prononcer ; en occitan Cairàs) est une vallée du département des Hautes-Alpes, mais également un parc naturel régional, où se pratiquent le ski en hiver et randonnée pédestre en été. Il est notamment traversé par le GR 58 qui permet d'en faire le tour ou le GR 5.
Queyras: Hautes-Alpes
Hikes to the high altitude lakes and refuge huts, rambling on the Route des Grandes Alpes (Great Alpine Road) through the astounding Guil gorges and over the mythical Izoard pass, visits to the Chateau-Queyras fort, and the discovery of the Artisan Centre where wooden toys and sculpted objects are a reflection of local traditions, astronomy at ...
À savoir sur le Queyras : nature, culture et économie
Connaissez-vous le massif du Queyras ? Localisation, altitudes, parc naturel régional, faune, flore : Voici quelques informations intéressantes sur le massif.
Queyras Regional Natural Park | Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Tourism
The Queyras Natural Park is a paradise for walkers. Between forests, gorges and mountain lakes, there are many landscapes to discover during a hike or biking through the marked trails. The descent of the Guil gorges is one of the best ways to dive into the heart of this secluded paradise.
Queyras – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
This park travel guide to Queyras is an outline and needs more content. It has a template, but there is not enough information present. Please plunge forward and help it grow!
Tour du Queyras - Informations, étapes, hébergements
Retrouvez toutes les informations pour organiser votre randonnée sur le tour du Queyras. Les gîtes, refuges et hôtels, les étapes, les informations utiles, et un forum de discussion spécialement dédié au GR58.
Explore the best of the Parc Naturel Régional du Queyras
A place of infinite beauty where untamed and unspoiled nature flourishes in the National Parks and Regional Nature Reserve of the Ecrins, Queyras and Mercantour, the Southern Alps promises an infinite palette of authentic travel experiences.