American Goshawk | Audubon Field Guide
A powerful predator of northern and mountain woods. Goshawks hunt inside the forest or along its edge; they take their prey by putting on short bursts of amazingly fast flight, often twisting …
Northern Goshawk - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The Northern Goshawk is a large hawk of about 55-61 cm in length, the largest of all the accipiters. Females are larger than males. Some characteristic features of this hawk are its …
American Goshawk - eBird
Powerfully-built forest-dwelling hawk, scarce across much of range. Adults are distinctive if seen well: bulky and broad-winged, gray above and whitish below with fine barring, prominent pale …
Northern goshawk - Wikipedia
The northern goshawk has been split into two species based on significant morphological and genetic differences: Eurasian goshawk, Astur gentilis; American goshawk, Astur atricapillus
American goshawk - Wikipedia
The American goshawk (Astur atricapillus) is a species of raptor in the family Accipitridae. It was first described by Alexander Wilson in 1812. The American goshawk was previously …
Northern Goshawk - Connecticut Audubon Society
What it looks like: The Northern Goshawk is the largest member of the genus Accipiter in North America. Most closely related to the smaller Sharp-shinned and Cooper’s Hawks, this bird …
Accipiter gentilis : Northern Goshawk | Rare Species Guide
The Northern Goshawk is a large-bodied forest-dwelling hawk with broad wings and a long rounded tail. It is the largest of the three accipiters (forest hawks adapted to fast flight) found in …
Northern Goshawk "Accipiter gentilis" | Boreal Songbird Initiative
A robust hawk with a long narrow tail, short rounded wings, and bold white eyebrow. Adults blue-gray above with a black crown; pale underparts finely barred with gray. Young bird similar in …
Eurasian Goshawk (Northern Goshawk) - eBird
Powerfully-built forest-dwelling hawk, scarce across wide range. Adults are distinctive if seen well: bulky and broad-winged, gray above and whitish below with dense barring, prominent pale …
Northern Goshawk - Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance
2020年1月24日 · The northern goshawk is a fierce bird, the largest of the Accipiter genus in Wisconsin. With a Holarctic distribution, the goshawk glides through coniferous and hardwood …