Shape of molecule HELP! - The Student Room
I initially thought that molecules can only have a linear shape when they have 2 bond pairs and zero lone pairs. Because if it did have lone pairs, then the bond angle would be less than 180 …
Question #c1291 - Socratic
2017年2月28日 · The molecular shape ignores the lone pairs, so the VSEPR shape is square planar. #bb"KrF"_2# The Lewis structure of #"KrF"_2# is: The central atom has 3 lone pairs …
Chem- bonding shapes - The Student Room
2021年11月21日 · Im kinda confused on the shape of KrF2 The molecule has 2 bonding pairs and 3 lone pairs. Now then apparently the molecule is said to have a linear shape with a …
Chemistry questions - The Student Room
Draw the shape of a molecule of krypton difluoride (KrF2). Include in your answer any lone pairs of electrons that influence the shape. Name the shape produced by the atoms in a KrF2 …
AS Chemistry Paper 1 2022 - Page 4 - The Student Room
2024年6月21日 · yh i agree with the inorganic, they literally lied to us with like 10+marks of inorganic in there. but what i meant was that by reading examiner report, redox usually is what …
What is the molecular geometry of CCl4? Draw its VSEPR and …
2014年6月14日 · "CCl"_4 has a tetrahedral geometry with bond angles of 109.5 °. > Lewis Structure Here are the steps that I follow when drawing a Lewis structure. 1. Decide which …
What is the vsepr model for CO2? - Socratic
2014年5月23日 · We can use VESPR theory to predict a linear shape for the molecule CO_2 because of its AX_2 status. VESPR stands for valence shell electron pair repulsion. This …
How can a non-polar molecule contain polar bonds? - Socratic
2016年1月15日 · It's all because of electronegativity. I'll use an example. Lets say you have a linear shaped molecule. In this case, I'm using CO2. NOTE: Linear refers to the way that the …
How do you determine steric numbers? - Socratic
2018年7月14日 · This is an old term.... The steric number of a given molecule is the number of atoms BOUND to the central atom of a molecule PLUS the number of lone pairs associated …
Why xenon being a noble gas forms compounds with other …
2015年9月1日 · Xenon forms compounds because its inner electrons screen the outer electrons from the nucleus. > Its outer electrons then become a target for other highly electronegative …