Azo compound - Wikipedia
Azo compounds are organic compounds bearing the functional group diazenyl (R−N=N−R′, in which R and R′ can be either aryl or alkyl groups). IUPAC defines azo compounds as: …
Azo Compounds: Preparation, Types, Properties - Science Info
2023年6月9日 · Azo compounds are the compounds of both natural and manufactured chemicals that contain at least one azo group (N=N) in their structure. The atomic groups connected to …
偶氮化合物 - 百度百科
偶氮化合物即AZO,偶氮基─N=N─与两个烃基相连接而生成的化合物,通式R─N=N─R′。 偶氮基能吸收一定波长的可见光,是一个发色团。 偶氮染料 是品种最多、应用最广的一类 合成染 …
Azo Compound - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Azo compound is one of the examples of nitrogen-based molecules with the functional group of R-N=N-R′, in which R and R′ can be either aryl or alkyl groups. From: Journal of Molecular …
Synthesis, chemical identification and biological application of Azo ...
2023年7月15日 · Azo compounds are the largest class of compounds ever to be industrially synthesized for their wide range of applications, especially organic azo dye. Initially, dyes were …
Azo compound | Aromatic, Synthesis, Reactions | Britannica
Azo compound, any organic chemical compound in which the azo group (―N=N―) is part of the molecular structure. The atomic groups attached to the nitrogen atoms may be of any organic …
Synthetic routes of azo derivatives: A brief overview
2021年11月15日 · Azo compounds are important class of compounds and have verstile applications in various fields of life. Because of their broad range of applications, it is …
Azo Compound: Types, Preparation, Uses, and Harmful effects
Azo compounds are compounds bearing the functional group diazenyl R−N=N−R′, in which R and R′ can be either alkyl or aryl. Any chemical or organic compound in which the azo group …
Classifications, properties, recent synthesis and applications of azo …
Azo dyes are synthetic compounds containing an azo bond –N=N-, obtained mainly from the aromatic amine substrate, nitro and nitroso. The synthesis processes rely on the use of an …
Azo compound - New World Encyclopedia
Azo compounds are chemical compounds with the general formula R-N=N-R', where R and R' can be either aryl (aromatic) or alkyl (aliphatic) functional groups. The N=N group is called an …