Peter Dutton will commit $3 billion towards buying 28 new fighter jets for the air force, seizing on the need to boost ...
Zelensky can get help from genuine friends in Europe and the presidents and prime ministers of Poland, Lithuania, Denmark, ...
Peter Dutton has promised to spend $3bn on 28 new stealth jet fighters if elected, following the provocative live firing ...
Anthony Albanese is weak, out of his depth and, I’m sorry to say, intellectually not up to the challenges ahead as the world ...
A Day of American Infamy
A dreadful moment for Ukraine, for the free world, for the legacy of an America that once stood for the principles of the ...
The Chinese naval task group continued in a westerly direction while transiting off Australia's southern coast.
President Trump's comments underscore the reality that he's not contemplating putting American troops on the ground in ...
Rewind to 2017 and foreign policy wonks were debating whether the US and China could avoid the Thucydides Trap.
China is flexing its military muscle in the region to show that it will not wait for the Trump administration to decide how ...
The Cook Islands may be small but the ambitions of its leader are mighty. A range of deals Prime Minister Mark Brown signed ...
The USS Tripoli will replace the USS America as the US's forward-deployed big deck amphibious ship in the Indo-Pacific and it ...
In order to better safeguard its own development and security interests, Europe needs to develop an independent foreign ...