A tangy mustard coating gives this baked fish a great flavor and seals in the juices. I use two types of mustard in this ...
The creamy Parmesan sauce in Marry Me Chicken is just as delicious on salmon, if not more so! The richness of the sauce ...
Looking to elevate your next fish fry? This classic seasoning will have your golden-battered filets bursting with flavor and ...
Sauté the vegetables. Add diced carrots, onion, and celery to the pot and cook until softened. Stir in a couple tablespoons ...
Eating fish, even once a week, is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, due to the heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids found in fish. Barramundi provides 200-300mg of the ...
While fish bakes, heat the 1 Tbsp oil for the slaw in a non-stick skillet and set over medium, medium-high heat. When oil is ...
Use Swiss chard as a delicate wrapping for salmon, helping gently steam the fish to flaky perfection. And don't worry if your ...
Here's where the magic will happen if you can practice patience. Watch and wait for the deep red salmon to turn an opaque, ...
TV cooking icons Anna Polyviou and Lyndey Milan are teaming up for a great cause and cooking their barbecue favourites.
Manu Feildel and Jamie Gannon are two of our most prominent TV chefs. Today, the pair are cooking a ‘a La Grenobloise’ AKA ...
So what will it be — shrimp, walleye, cod, salmon, tilapia? We're on the cusp of Lent and for thousands of Catholics across the region that means meatless Fridays from March 7 to April 18 — plus, Ash ...
I love to cook salmon in a variety of ways and often will make salmon burgers by food processing the fish with onion, garlic, ...