Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this ...
What does a person do when the personality of their spouse changes significantly? I’ve been with my husband for 12 years.
What do you do when you feel angry? We recognize that there’s a lot of anger being expressed in the world today. Sometimes it’s between countries, and sometimes anger happens closer to ...
As columnist Mary Shaniqua looks to the future, she remembers when she was far more active — and wonders if that could be a ...
A deadly attack on a close friend made Garland Scott dedicate his life to rescuing others from the road he once walked.
Seven women filed for re-sentencing under the Oklahoma Survivors Act, a new law that considers domestic violence evidence.
Nearly 60% of Utah umpires and referees say parents, coaches or spectators have made them feel unsafe while officiating.
Random acts of meanness can leave you feeling rattled and put a dent in your day. These pointers can help you gain ...
The Democrats are angry. Well, at least some of them. For months, party activists have felt bitter about Kamala Harris’s ...
In a post to Reddit’s 'Am I the A------' forum, a 28-year-old husband recounted a morning with his wife, 27, as he tried to ...
David Morrell says he's not been trying to intimidate David Benavidez or play games by laughing and having fun during the ...
Syzygy describes themselves as a “queer punk rock band” on its Instagram page. Consisting of singer Lu Harper, guitarist Max Senter, drummer Cory Schmitt and bassist FJ Miller, the group has been ...