In the late 80s, Debbie Manson was detained in Osler House, an adult ward for women judged criminally insane. For the first time, our camera crew has been given exclusive access to capture this fading ...
All of this debris floating around in space could lead to a theoretical scenario known as the Kessler Syndrome. Here's what to know about space junk, why it's a problem and what's being done about it.
The event Reddy referred to is a hypothetical phenomenon called Kessler Syndrome. Named for American astrophysicist Donald Kessler and based on his 1978 academic paper, Kessler Syndrome — as the ...
Since then, I think it’s fair to say that most people have been nervous about the emergence of the next big infectious disease – be that a virus, bacterium, fungus or parasite. With COVID in ...
The findings, part of a preliminary analysis by London-based disease forecasting firm Airfinity Ltd., seek to renew the focus on the rise of preventable and climate-sensitive diseases, as well as ...
Here’s what you should know. Meet the experts: Thomas Russo, MD, a professor and chief of infectious disease at the University at Buffalo in New York. What are the COVID symptoms to look for in ...
The disease has infected mainly women and children, resulting in 143 deaths. A deadly flu-like disease that has claimed the lives of more than 143 people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ...
False. So-called 'Disease X' is a stand-in term for an unknown pathogen, coined to help prepare for hypothetical future pandemics. AAP FACTCHECK – False claims online assert that the World Economic ...