In 1965, the OMEGA Speedmaster was the only watch to pass the tests of the American space agency NASA. That was exactly sixty ...
Commemorating the 60th anniversary of NASA's approval, OMEGA unveils the MOONSWATCH 1965. This tribute to the historic ...
Swatch introduces the MoonSwatch 1965! ✓ A nod to the flight qualification by NASA for the Omega Speedmaster in 1965 ✓ Check ...
The MOONSWATCH 1965 (AUD$435) will be released in select Swatch stores worldwide (in-store only) from March 1, 2025.
Swatch 与 OMEGA 携手推出全新 MoonSwatch 1965 联名表款,旨在向获得 NASA 于 1960 年代完成太空飞行认证的传奇之作 OMEGA Speedmaster 致敬,该认证是钟表史与航太探索史上重要的里程碑。
Swatch is celebrating the 60th anniversary of NASA's certification of the Omega Speedmaster with the MoonSwatch 1965.
It’s no secret that the old guard of luxury labels is struggling to decipher and decrypt modern hype. But by taking risks and ...
It’s called the MoonSwatch 1965, and it goes on sale in select Swatch shops from 1st March. You know the score by now: arrive ...
The MoonSwatch 1965 will land exclusively in Swatch stores on March 1, 2025 for $270.
They say there is a watch for every occasion – but these two timepieces are for every day, every second, everywhere!
Hysteria has given way to a low drumbeat of regular launches from Swatch’s MoonSwatch team, not least because there is no ...
1965 年,欧米茄超霸腕表( OMEGA Speedmaster )成为唯一通过美国航空航天局 (NASA) 测试的腕表。 1965 年 3 月 1 日,距今已整整 60 年。作为美国太空计划发展的一部分,NASA ...