The actor posted a high-energy behind-the-scenes (BTS) video that offered a peek into the hard work and dedication that is being put into his character transformation ...
Read on to learn about Tamil actor Arun Vijay who once appeared alongside Ajith Kumar and is now hitting the big screens with the film Vanangaan after replacing Suriya.
Kerala bid farewell to MT Vasudevan Nair, a legendary Malayalam writer and filmmaker, who passed away at 91. Thousands paid their respects, including Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and actor ...
Those were the days when self-love was considered abominable. The first time I read MT's Kaalam was as a school student, at an age when I could not decipher how someone could love himself more ...
He brought that change in both content and form. Among his illustrious works, the novel Kaalam is his best as the readers travel along with the sense of disillusionment experienced by Sethu ...