The correct diagnosis, along with the full description ... retching during the examination. The mucous membranes were moist, and bowel sounds were present. The abdomen was nondistended, soft ...
This will lead him or her to determine which organs or surrounding structures are affected by the abdominal mass. During a physical examination, your doctor will ask that you lie back while he or ...
The rest of the physical examination findings were normal, except for a 4.0-cm round, hard, non-painful, intra-abdominal mass consistent with and interpreted as hard fecal pellets in the ...
During a routine examination of our department's animal husbandry unit, we found a female Swiss albino mouse with an extremely distended abdomen (Fig. 1). This 6-month-old mouse, which was ...
The physical examination pertinent to constipation has two parts. On abdominal exam, the clinician should look for signs of distension. Palpation, especially in thin patients, may reveal hard ...