Over two billion people use WhatsApp daily for messaging and video calls. Although individual messages are helpful, WhatsApp groups make it easy to share information with multiple contacts ...
Syria's rebel factions will be "disbanded" and trained to join the "ranks of the defence ministry" said the leader of the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) group, which led rebel fighters to Damascus and ...
Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University, Minsk 220006, Belarus ...
Nicknamed “explosive walking groups”, these brisk walkers – who can number in their hundreds – take to their exercise of choice with military regimentation, often with their own flag and ...
Examples are versions of something that are typical and can help us understand something. There are some words that we often use with 'example'. These are called collocations. Learn some of the ...
So it was just 'OPP, please hold, OPP please hold.'" Meadows said the group made its way into his home and held him at gunpoint, demanding money and valuables. As he was beginning to tell them ...
Led by the former al Qaeda affiliate group Hayat Tahrir al Sham, the uprising was also supported by US-backed Kurdish forces, Turkish-backed militias, and dozens of smaller fighter groups.
“We stand strongly with the great people of Syria … and respect the will, the independence, and the political choices of the people of Syria,” the Palestinian group said in a statemen ...
Assad was an important ally for Iran Iran keen to avoid 'hostile trajectory' in ties, officials says Iran in direct contact with groups in new leadership Iran's clerical rulers open to engaging ...
Dec 8 (Reuters) - Syrian rebels who have ousted Bashar al-Assad and seized the capital Damascus include fighters from different factions, while other groups also hold territory elsewhere.
The tournament begins with a group stage consisting of eight groups of four clubs, with sides from all six continental confederations competing at next summer's event in the United States.